Qamarabad, District Naushehro Feroze; July 2022: Qari Saeed threatened Ahmadis with police cases on Eid festival through social media. He is an anti-Ahmadiyya activist in the area. He successfully managed to get the local Ahmadiyya mosque locked up by the authorities in 2018. Later in 2019, Saeed urged people to boycott marriages and funerals of those who participated in Ahmadis’ last rituals. Saeed posted the following this year, before Eid:

  1. Qadianis, being non-Muslim, are not allowed to undertake Qurbani on Eid festival. In case they do so, they shall be booked under PPC 298-C.
  2. Qadianis violate the Constitution and law by openly using Islamic rituals and fraudulently portraying themselves as Muslim and part of Ummat e Muhammadi (Muhammad’s followers).