Boycotting Products of Ahmadis

Translation Muftian of all schools of thought unanimously declare that boycotting the following products is not a transgression, rather it is a good gesture. It...

Anti-Ahmadi Stickers on Shops

Beware! No kind of trade is carried out with the Qadianis over here Qadinee Dogs not allowed Tajdar e Khatm e Nabuat Zindabad We do not do...

Encouraging People to Kill Ahmadis

Long live - the End of Prophethood                 Death to Qadianiat (I am the Seal of Prophets; there is no prophet after me) This voice is for...

Pamphlet distributed in Pishawar

Long Live Khatm-e-Nubuwwat Death to Qadianism   ‘I am the Last of the Prophets and there is no prophet after me’.   انا خاتم النبیین لا...

Anti-Ahmadi Pamphlet

Translation With the name Allah, the most gracious ever mercifu. The Holy Prophet (PBUH)  said that I (PBUH) am the  seal of Prophets, no other Prophet...

Horror in Sialkot

Sialkot; December 2021:       Mr. Zarrar Khuhro, a well-known journalist, mentioned the following in his op-ed in the daily Dawn of December 06: “Last week, Priyantha...

Hate and discrimination in sports

Faisalabad; November 2021: Four Kabaddi clubs organized their annual Wahla  Kabaddi Cup, Faislabad to be held on November 28, 2021 at 8 Chak Panjgrain,...

Anti-Ahmadiyya conference in Karachi

Drigh Road, Karachi; November 19, 2021: A conference was held at Bilal Mosque (Deobandi) near Ahmadiyya mosque. Mullas of Tablighi Jamaat from various locations...

A sectarian conference of extremist elements

Chenab Nagar (Rabwah); 28, 29 October 2021:      Aalami Majlis Tahaffuz Khatme Nabuwwat (AMTKN), the leading anti-Ahmadiyya organization held a 2-day rally in the Ahmadiyya...

To be an Ahmadi in KPK!

Topi, District Swabi; October 2021:   Anti-Ahmadi elements are very active here. On October 26, they announced a Khatme Nabuwwat conference in front of the...