Syedwala, District Nankana Sahib; December 21, 2021: Mr. Hafeezullah’s grandmother’s and mother’s graves are located in the common graveyard; these were in dilapidated state. Mr. Hafeezullah got the repair work started on the graves. A few mullas came there and told them to stop the work and said, “We have just stopped a large crowd from coming over.” Accordingly, the work was stopped so as to avoid any unpleasant development.

            ‘Bismillah’ was inscribed on his mother’s gravestone; the mullas photographed it and sent it to the Special Branch.

In the evening, a cop came over and inspected the graveyard and reported that there was no problem. Later at 10 pm, the SHO called and conveyed that the opponents were demanding an FIR, so he told Hafeezullah to remove the repairing tools from the site immediately.      

Meanwhile, the mullas gathered a mob in the graveyard. The police came over and dispersed the crowd. Thereafter as per the instructions of the police, Hafeezullah reverted the graves to their original condition of dilapidation.