Chenab Nagar (Rabwah); October 21, 2022: Yet another anti-Ahmadiyya conference was held at Madrassah Usmania in Muslim Colony. They called it Aftab Nabuwwat Conference, and termed it as 22nd ‘Annual’ conference. One had not heard much about this event before, but now it seems they would hold it regularly on annual basis. Perhaps there are funds available to lay claim to.
Qari Shabbir Usmani organized this one as well. An event report is normally provided to the press by the organizers; we print below extracts from one in the daily Dunya of October 23, 2022:
“All anti-Islam elements should be crushed, including Qadianis

Chenab Nagar (reporter). The speakers said that the Qadiani lobbies are active in the government and political parties, and international powers are promoting Qadianis. … There is need to develop a realistic understanding of conspiracies against the country. … We strongly condemn the statement of the US president.
…The law on transgender should be repealed. … The belief in End of Prophethood is the strongest common link; for this reason Qadiani and imperialist powers want to repeal the laws on safeguarding the Khatme Nabuwwat and the Honour of Prophethood. … Maulana Ilyas Chinioti MPA, the Amir of IKNM told the participants that End of Prophethood is Muslims’ basic and fundamental belief….Maulana Sheikhupori said that Qadianis, having suffered repeated failures in Pakistan, are busy in fomenting conspiracies against the Millat Islamia; we’ll defeat them on international forums. Maulana Khalil Ashrafi said that the 1973 Constitution enjoys consensus; very dangerous moves are underway to destroy the consensual nature of this constitution… .”
The above was printable; what was not, was leave out. We learnt of it from other reliable sources. The authorities must be in possession of the relevant audios/videos. We give here a gist of what was said and was not considered print worthy:
“Qadianis are robbers of Khatme Nabuwwat. Muslims should avoid contacting them. Jewish powers are busy weakening the Muslims; while our rulers roam around with a begging bowl to the Jewish powers. We’ll never submit to the servitude of the US. Qadiani prophet was installed by the English; it is currently supported by the Jewish lobby. The Qadiani prophet is an enemy of our Prophet. Qadianis, we and our ulama will crush you all over the world….Anyone who claims to be a Prophet after our Prophet will end up in hell. Our program is not an issue with anyone except the Wrong (Batil); even institutions (Idarey) are worried about us. All, from Chenab Nagar to Europe and America are bothered by us. We are servile to none except Allah. Qadianis are responsible for disunity among Muslims and violation of the Constitution.”
We withhold all that is not even reportable by us.