Azizabad, Karachi; February 28, 2024: A group of 15 to 20 extremists, with their faces covered and carrying sticks and one ladder, attacked the local Ahmadiyya mosque and demolished the minarets. Some of them also had Palestinian flags in their hands. At that time, there were two policemen on duty outside the mosque. The attackers were violent with them, threw chili powder at them and detained them. Three to four individuals climbed onto the roof using the ladder and began dismantling the iron sheets already covering the minaret. Some miscreants started breaking the outer walls of the mosque with hammers. According to the police, gunfire was heard, and fireworks were thrown. The individuals who climbed onto the roof harassed the caretaker and his family there. The attack lasted approximately 10 minutes.

The violent extremists broke two external cameras. Ten minutes after the incident, some police personnel arrived at the scene. A few months ago, an attempt to dismantle the minarets was made on September 10, 2023, but at that time, the police, by mutual agreement, had required the minarets to be covered with iron sheets. Since then, the police have been on duty here.
Registration of an FIR of the incident is in process.