Kotli; 26 May 2024: Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) under the leadership of Pir Murad Ali Shah, its divisional leader organized a rally, in the name of protection of the Holy Quran and in support of Palestine.

In this rally, which was organized in the name of protection of Holy Quran and supporting Palestine, the speakers demanded that the Pakistani government and Kotli administration should take strict action against Qadianis. They called for the removal of minarets and domes from Ahmadiyya places of worship, demanding that Ahmadis should stay within their limits. They claimed that Ahmadis are not allowed to perform Qurbani (animal sacrifices) or use Islamic symbols. They warned that if these practices continue, they will take the matter in their own hands and will hold the Kotli administration responsible. The administration has one month left from the given time to address this issue, they said. They emphasized that their lives are dedicated to the end of prophethood.