Hostile move against Ahmadiyya mosque

Okara; June 2022:  An anti-India rally was taken out in Okara city after Friday prayers, on June 1. When the rally passed in front...

Minarets of Ahmadiyya mosque demolished

Pind Dadan Khan, District Jhelum; June 2022: The police pressurized Mr. Wasim Mukhtar and Mr. Sohail Ahmad, Ahmadis to remove tombstones from the graves...

Ahmadiyya mosques in cross-wire in District Sargodha

Sargodha; December, 2023: Religious bigots, encouraged by the official response to their such initiatives in numerous places in the Punjab, have sent applications to...

Religious intolerance strikes again: Ahmadiyya mosque in Sindh targeted in vicious attack

Dholan Abad, Mirpur Khas; May 4, 2023:  A group of assailants attacked the Ahmadiyya mosque in district Mirpur Khas, causing extensive damage to its...

Pious inscriptions removed from Ahmadis’ homes

Gujranwala; February 12, 2023: Some policemen showed up at the residence of an Ahmadi, Munir Ahmad Khokar, at Ameer Park, Gujranwala. They inquired about...

Ahmadiyya mosque at risk in Drigh Road Karachi

Drigh Road Karachi; June 2021:  For some time now, opponents of Ahmadis are engaged in extensive anti-Ahmadi activities in Karachi over the issue of...

Ahmadiyya Mosque Partly Demolished By the Police

Chak 84 GB, District Faisalabad; July 29, 2021: A group of three or four youth of the infamous TLP (Tehrik Labbaik) of Udhwali came over...

Repair work of the Ahmadiyya mosque barred by the police in Sargodha

Bhera, District Sargodha; November 2021: The repair work of Ahmadiyya mosque was in progress when the opposition filed an application with a civil court...

Press report on defiling Ahmadiyya mosque

Gujranwala; December 7, 2022:  The daily Dawn, Lahore of December 12, 2022 published the following news report: Minaret of Ahmadi place of worship removed in...

Kalima blackened with paint from an Ahmadiyya mosque in Faisalabad

Manawala, District Faisalabad; September 13, 2021:   The police sent for the local Ahmadiyya president on September 13, 2021, and told him that someone had...