The Punjab; July 2022: Ahmadis faced, yet again, immense problems at various locations in practicing their religious rite of sacrificing animals at the festival of Eid-ul-Adha. Apart from other harassment actions against the victims, 10 criminal cases under anti-Ahmadiyya and religious laws were registered against Ahmadis for undertaking Eid rituals like sacrificing animals (Qurbani). The Qurbani is not specified, among the items forbidden to Ahmadis in law (PPC 298B and C). However, the police in its wide sweep did not spare even a Canadian Ahmadi. International Human Rights Committee (President: Sir Iftekhar A. Ayaz KBE) issued a Press Brief this month on this issue; we reproduce it below:


27 July 2022



Pakistani Police and Mullahs spent Eid-ul-Adha this year by raiding the houses of Ahmadi Muslims, harassing, and humiliating them and registering criminal cases against them in Police Stations. Their outcry and senseless actions did not spare even visiting Ahmadis from foreign countries to join in the Eid celebrations.

One such example is of Muhammad Fiaz, who is a citizen of Canada, visiting his family in Syed Wala, District Nankana, Punjab, became the victim of the Mullah’s evil mischiefs. Fiaz is a high-profile citizen of Canada, a member of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, and a well-respected prominent member of the Canadian Society. A FIR was registered against him along with five other members of his family and they are now awaiting prosecution. One arrested, two went back to Canada and four are on interim bail.

This turbulent wave of raids took place as Ahmadi Muslims were celebrating Eid-ul-Adha, an occasion of happiness and joy for Muslims the world over. But instead of happiness, this Eid brought a fresh series of oppression and victimisation for Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan, who are already marginalised and discriminated against. Radical Mullahs are now demanding that Ahmadi Muslims be forbidden to worship or practice any of their faith obligations. There is a serious threat that Ahmadis will be prevented from their basic right of freedom of worship.

Thirteen Ahmadi Muslims were arrested and locked up in jails while they were with their families celebrating Eid. If no action is taken immediately to arrest and eliminate this increasing trend of false allegations and persecution against Ahmadi Muslims, it is likely that Pakistan is likely to further become the international hub of breeding extremists, evil mongers who are already very skilful in fabricating criminal cases against the law-abiding and peace-loving members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

The global community must condemn such acts of hooliganism and urge Pakistan to honour its international obligations towards foreign nationals and treat them with the dignity and protection as stipulated in the international charters to which Pakistan is a signatory.

On a day when Ahmadi Muslims joyously celebrate the Muslim festival according to the Abrahamic tradition of sacrifice (Qurbani), many Ahmadis were arrested and still remain in prison. The Mullahs and their accomplices made a day of celebrations into a day of horrific experiences.

This terrible situation requires urgent international intervention. Political and faith leaders from across the world just met in London to secure Freedom of Religion and Belief for everyone worldwide, yet here we are with absolute contradiction of all the Charters on Freedom of Religion. For the respect of all that was resolved in the international conference, the world must take immediate and urgent action to ensure that Ahmadis in Pakistan enjoy their full right to their religion and are able to freely practice their faith as required.

We strongly urge the international community to impress upon the Government of Pakistan to honour its responsibility to provide effective protection and freedom of religious practice to Ahmadis. The extremists and Pakistan governmental authorities involved in these arrests should be brought to justice, and Pakistan should immediately bring its laws and practices in conformity with international standards as ordained by Article 20 and United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 2, 18 and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) Article 25, 26.

The  daily Express Tribune printed an op-ed by Mr. Raza Habib Raja on this issue on July 15, 2022. It is recommended reading, and is reproduce at Annex I.

These developments in districts and countryside were initiated in capitals. Secretary Tahaffuz Khatme Nabuwat Forum wrote a letter a few weeks earlier to the Ministry of Religion and Interfaith Harmony and demanded a ban on Ahmadis’ practice of Qurbani. The Ministry promptly sent this application to the federal Interior Ministry and the five provincial Chief Secretaries ‘for necessary action’. What is reported above are the consequential ‘necessary actions’. The Punjab leads all others in this.

Below we provide a list of the Qurbani cases registered in police stations in the Punjab this month. The list provides essential data of each case:

  1. Mr. Zafar Ali and his father Mr. Arshad Pervaiz of Chak 84 Sarshamir, District Faisalabad were booked under PPC 298-C with FIR No. 845 at police station Thekri Wala, District Faisalabad on July 12, 2022 for sacrificing animals on Eid-ul-Adha.  They are in District Jail Faisalabad.
  2. Mr. Saeed Ahmad, Mr. Shakeel Ahmad, Mr. Mukhtar Ahmad, Mr. Imran Ahmad and Mr. Atif Ahmad of Chak 89 GB, Rattan District Faisalabad were booked under PPC 298-C with FIR No. 842 at police station Thekri Wala, District Faisalabad on July 10, 2022 for sacrificing animals on Eid-ul-Adha. The first mentioned three Ahmadis were arrested and are in District Jail Faisalabad.
  3. Mr. Sultan Ahmad and his son Mr. Umer Hayyat of Chak 79 Nawa Kot, Safdarabad District Sheikhupura were booked under PPC 298-C with FIR No. 291 at police station Safdarabad, District Sheikhupura on July 10, 2022 for sacrificing animals on Eid-ul-Adha.  They were arrested and later released on bail.
  4. Mr. Azhar Mehmood, Mr. Abdus Salam, Mr. Fayyaz Ahmad, Mr. Tahir Ahmad, Mr. Nasir Ahmad and Mr. Abdul Wahab of Syedwala District Nanakana were booked under PPC 298-C with FIR No. 272  at police station Warburton , District Nankana on July 12, 2022 for sacrificing animals on Eid-ul-Adha. Mr. Azhar Mehmood was arrested, later released on bail.
  5. Mr. Attaul Quyyum and Mr. Ataul Aziz of Chak 576 JB, District Nankana were booked under PPC 298-C with FIR No. 299 at police station Warburton, District Nankana on July 12, 2022 for sacrificing animals on Eid-ul-Adha. They were arrested, then released on bail.
  6. Mr. Zahid Mubarak of Rahwali, District Gujranwala was booked under PPC 298-C with FIR No. 751 at police station Cantt. District Gujranwala on July 13, 2022 for sacrificing animals on Eid-ul-Adha. He was arrested, later released on bail.
  7. Dr. Khalil Ahmad of Gujranwala was booked under PPC 298-C with FIR No. 749 at police station Cantt. District Gujranwala on July 13, 2022 for sacrificing animals on Eid-ul-Adha. He was arrested and later released on bail.
  8. Mr. Saeed Ahmad Arif of Gujranwala was booked under PPC 298-C with FIR No. 750 at police station Cantt. District Gujranwala on July 13, 2022 for sacrificing animals on Eid-ul-Adha. He was arrested and later released on bail.
  9. A police case was registered against eight unknown Ahmadis of Darul Fazl, Rabwah under PPC 298-C with FIR No. 331 at police station Chenab Nagar (Rabwah), District Chiniot on July 10, 2022 for sacrificing animals on Eid-ul-Adha.
  10. Mr. Usman Ahmad Malhi of Darul Nasr, Rabwah was booked at police station Chenab Nagar (Rabwah), District Chiniot on July 11, 2022 for sacrificing animals on Eid-ul-Adha FIR No: 332/22 under section 298-C of the PPC. He was arrested and later released on bail.