Aada, District Toba Tek Singh; February 2023: Agitation against Ahmadis is on the rise in this district now a days. The DSP Gojra sent for Ahmadis and told them to remove the minarets from their mosque. Ahmadis told him that this mosque was built way back in 1964 and the police had no right to order the demolition of its minarets.
Nevertheless, six unidentified men arrived at the site on the night of January 27, 2023, to demolish its minarets. Ahmadis told them to show order or authorization. At this, they went back, telling Ahmadis to present themselves at the DSP’s office next day.
There Ahmadis were told to raise the boundary wall so that no passerby could see the minarets. Ahmadis had to comply with this outlandish order.
In another incident, in village Chak 297 GB unidentified goons graffitied “Kutta Kutta” (dog, dog) on an Ahmadi-owned house and the Ahmadiyya mosque. Ahmadis informed the police of the incident.