A sample report from the education sector (Lahore)

Lahore; 2015-2021:  Ms. Faiza Ahmad, Ahmadi, had been teaching at Superior University since 2015 but had to resign on February 26, 2021 due to...

Ahmadi lady teacher fired from job and renovation of Ahmadiyya place of worship barred...

Green Town Lahore; February 2022: A fiber shed was being installed in the prayer center Baitul Nassar, when people from the neighborhood gathered there, objected and stopped...

Ahmadi’s condolence made problematic by a bigot

Qazi Ahmad, District Nawabshah; February 2022:  Rana Ashfaq Ahmad, an Ahmadi, along with his friend, went to his friend’s relative to offer condolence. The deceased’s...

Anti-Ahmadiyya lectures at government school (Rajanpur)

Rajanpur; February 27, 2022:  On February 26, local Majlis Tahaffuze Khatme Nabuwwat invited an anti-Ahmadi mulla Irfan Mahmood Barq to Rajanpur. On February 27,...

Lynching horror visits Khanewal (Punjab)

The daily Dawn on February 13, 2022 published this story. Although not directly related to Ahmadis, it reflects clearly and boldly the environment of violent extremism...

Chair Ulama Board and Emir Majlis Ahrar call on Mr. Parvez Elahi, Speaker Punjab...

Lahore:     The daily The Nation published the following report in its issue of February 05, 2022. We reproduce it below, without comment: Parvez Elahi lauds Ulema’s role in...

Ahmadiyya situation in Pakistan as assessed by a prominent vlogger

Humsub.com, February 4, 2022:      Mr. Aniq Naji uploaded on January 30, 2022 his vlog on the subject of Ahmadis’ situation in Pakistan, and proposed a...

Hateful wall-chalking (Toba Tek Singh)

Pir Mahal, District Toba Tek Singh; January 29, 2022:   On January 29, at 6 o'clock in the morning, some hate mongers wall-chalked on the...

Religion and education (Lahore)

Lahore; January 25, 2022: The daily Dawn published the following noteworthy news by its Staff Reporter in Lahore: Govt bent upon imposing extreme religiosity on students Lahore: On...

Religion and education (Lahore)

Lahore; January 25, 2022: The daily Dawn published the following noteworthy news by its Staff Reporter in Lahore: Govt bent upon imposing extreme religiosity on students Lahore: On...