Bahawalpur; September 24, 2021:    Mr. Asghar Ali Kalar, an Ahmadi, aged 70, was booked under the blasphemy law PPC 295-C with FIR Nr. 651 on the complaint of Hafiz Javed Mustafa Head of Jamia Saeedia Model Town, Bahawalpur, in police station Bhaghdad Aljadid on September 24, 2021. He was arrested and sent to Bahawalpur Jail.

            Mr. Kalar is an innocent Ahmadi and cannot even imagine insulting his own Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.). He does not know how his mobile ID was used. His mobile phone is with the police for forensic test.

            It is noteworthy that anti-Ahmadi elements do not hesitate to indulge in fraud, lies and deceit to promote their religious agenda.