L plot, District Okara; May 17, 2022: The Press Section of the Ahmadiyya headquarters issued the following press release on May 18, 2022.

Those spreading hate speech and inciting violence against the Ahmadiyya Community should be held accountable under the law: Spokesperson Ahmadiyya Community
Chenab Nagar (PR) On 17th May, 2022 an Ahmadi Mr. Abdul Salam of L-Plot, District Okara was stabbed to death by a religiously motivated person for reasons of faith.
According to the details, at around 17:45, when Mr. Abdul Salam was returning to his home from agriculture fields a person named Ali Raza, also known as Mulazim Hussain, attacked and fatally stabbed Mr. Salam. The culprit immediately ran away from the place of the incident. It is being reported that the attacker is a student at a religious institute and belongs to the same village where Mr. Salam resided.
The deceased was 35 years old and was a very generous and a humble human being. He had no personal enmity with anyone. He was only killed for his Ahmadiyya faith. He has left behind a widow and three children (2 sons Qamar-ul-Islam of age 6 years, Badar-ul-Salam of age 4 years and a daughter Sehar-ul-Islam of age of almost 2 years old).
Spokesperson Ahmadiyya Community, Mr. Saleem-UD-Din while condemning the brutal murder of Mr. Salam expressed his utter support for those who are left behind. He said that the government has failed miserably in protecting and safeguarding the lives and properties of Ahmadis living in Pakistan. Recently, similar attacks were carried out against 2 Ahmadis residing in District Faisalabad. Due to current circumstances, Ahmadis are feeling vulnerable. He also said that the hate speech and incitement to violence against Ahmadis is being carried out with impunity. This incitement to violence is mainly carried out by religious extremists through the display of stickers, banners etc. in educational institutes, residential areas and in other places of public gatherings. In order to gain short-term political gains, the politicians are also seen exploiting the Ahmadiyya Community by issuing baseless allegations against them. The Spokesperson has demanded that the elements propagating hate speech and inciting violence against the Ahmadiyya Community should be held accountable under the law while apprehending the culprit behind the death of Mr. Salam. End
Ph: +92 47-6216055 Email: [email protected]
Press Section Nazarat Umur Aama
18-05-2022 Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Pakistan Rabwah
We may add some additional information on this most hurtful criminal attack.
As for the victim, he was a man of good reputation, known for his hospitality and generosity to the poor, regardless of their caste and creed. He had no personal vendetta against anyone. He was an office bearer in the Ahmadiyya set-up.
The killer is a madrassah educated young man. He is a supporter of the notorious Tehrik Labbaik. The madrassah he attended is of the Barelvi School, the same as of TLP who gained notoriety in killing several law-enforcement officials during the 2021 agitation and the march on Islamabad.
The assassin attacked the victim several times with a big knife. He thrust his blade at the vitals of the victim’s upper body, seriously damaging his entrails, heart etc. It seems he had been well briefed and trained. He committed the horrible crime in the presence of victim’s little children. How the horror of this violence will haunt them all their lives! They will never shout: Daddy is home. Their loving father died on the spot.
The madrassah that the murderer attended had preached anti-Ahmadiyya hate. Very recently, at a function, in a hateful speech, the speaker had urged the staff and the students to take extreme action against Mirzais and Qadianis. Ahmadis have been routinely termed blasphemers for simply being Ahmadis. Such madrassas where violence, militancy and hate is taught should have been closed down as per government’s own declared policy.
The eyewitness accounts show that the murder was well planned. The murderer was motivated, trained and supported. A selected few from the village and the madrassah helped him with preparation, reconnaissance and escape. Police inquiry should divulge the accomplices.
It is regrettable that there is a vast gap between the government’s well-considered public policy and its implementation on ground.
The National Action plan announced after the massacre in APS in 2014 was a well-considered plan to fight militancy and violence in the name of religion. Madrassahs received special mention therein. However, subsequently the daily Dawn reported: “The army is reportedly dissatisfied with the lack of movement on the issue of madrassah reforms, proscribed organizations and sectarian groups; foreign funding of seminaries and action against hate speech.” Epaper.dawn.com/[email protected]?StoryText=11-04-215-001-003. The same can be said about the much-trumpeted Paigham-e-Pakistan of 2018 sponsored by the President (read Government) with endorsement of hundreds of Ulama-e-Karam from all over the country. And one may ask: 1) Why did the Punjab Government issue numerous instructions in 2018-2022 regarding support to the Khatam e Nabuwwat doctrine, and 2) Why the exceptional emphasis on religion in the Single National Curriculum that also lacks flexibility and is like a strait jacket for change.
It deserves a mention that the national press, civil society and political pundits did not highlight this heinous incident, as they did earlier in December when Srilankan Priyantha Kumara was killed in Sialkot. Granted that the number of people involved and their handling of the dead victim was different in the two incidents, but the motivation of the perpetrators and the result was identical. Known vloggers and talk show presenters who appear greatly concerned with the state of the state, preferred to stay silent this time. However, it should be acknowledged that some people from the village L-plot openly expressed sympathy for the bereaved family and condemned the murderer. The mulla, who runs the madrassah, shut it down and is on the run at the time of this report.
One, Mona Farooq Ahmad tweeted some verses of the poet Obaidullah Aleem on his death anniversary that fell on the next day after Salam’s murder:
Whom shall I address my grief?
My cities are on fire, my people are dying.
There were times when this land received blessings,
The same land is now inflicted with disasters.
None other is involved in thrusting the dagger,
We are being murdered; we are committing the murder.
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) mentioned in his Friday sermon on
20th May 2022:
” He was very sociable and loving. Whoever would meet him, they would form a
close bond with him. Even the non-Ahmadis who knew him have said that this
was a great injustice; however, nobody has the courage to speak up against the
terrorist clerics. Decency and morals have become completely subdued in
Pakistan. Nevertheless, the brothers and relatives of the deceased have written
that he had unbound love for Khilafat. He would discreetly assist the poor
irrespective if they were Ahmadi or non-Ahmadi. Hospitality of guests was one of
his key traits, and he would especially look after the guests from the centre. All
of his family members have written that he was known as a youth who was
courageous and fearless. In the past, the deceased was targeted on two Eid
days; however, at the time he was protected by Allah the Almighty, but now,
this was what was decreed for him.
May Allah the Almighty elevate the rank of the martyr and grant him a lofty rank
in the highest station in Paradise, may Allah the Almighty safeguard and help the
innocent children, wife, parents and all relatives of the deceased.
He was martyred in front of his innocent children; what would be their condition
and sentiments, only Allah knows best. It is said that the elder son, who is six
years old and witnessed the incident is completely silent for now.
It is only Allah that can grant them patience and comfort, may Allah safeguard
the children Himself and may He punish the enemy for their ill deeds. “
(Friday Sermon 20 th May 2022)