Sheikh Sajid Mehmood, Karachi
Martyred on November 27, 2016

Sheikh Sajid Mehmood was gunned down by opponents while outside sitting inside his car on November 27th 2016.

At the age of 55 Sheikh Sajid Mehmood was gunned down by opponents while outside sitting inside his car on November 27th 2016 around the time of Maghrib pr ayer. That evening he had left his home for grocery shopping and was still sitting in his car when some unidentified men on a motorcycle fired four bullets at him. while fleeing they fired another four bullets at him. one went straight through his chest and another struck his leg. He was rushed to a nearby Hospital and the transferred to Agha Khan Hospital where he could not recover from his injuries and became a martyr. 

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (atba) mentioned in his Friday sermon on 2nd December 2016,

Sheikh Sajid Mehmood sahib possessed a number of qualities. He had an immense love for Khilafat and therefore maintained a strong bond with it. He always advised his children to keep connected to Jamaat and the institution of Khilafat. He was always very active in paying Chanda and was always concerned about paying them on time and therefore instructed his son to do the same. He was very sincere and honest in his business dealings and would always pardon and show compassion towards his siblings and never resent with anyone. He was very exquisite and was an embodiment of pure thoughts. He would treat his relatives with the utmost respect. He had named two of his shops after his father and his father in law. He showed exemplary treatment to his wife’s family and would meet his family and friends with a pure heart. He did not have malignity towards anyone.

(Friday sermon of 2nd December 2016)