Saad farooq Kahloon, Karachi
Martyred on October 19, 2012

Saad Farooq Kahloon was martyred on 19 October.

On 19 October he was travelling home after Friday Prayers on his motorbike while his family travelled in a car. Two masked motorbike riders opened fire on him. He was critically wounded. The assailants then opened fire on the family car and injured most of those in the car. His father continued to drive whilst severely injured, when he saw his son he stopped and carried his son to the car and drove to the hospital. Saad shaheed passed away at the hospital.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (atba) mentioned in his Friday sermon on 26th October 2012,

“Saad Farooq sahib shaheed. He was martyred on 19 October. Born in Karachi in 1986, he had studied electronic engineering. He was married just a few days before his martyrdom. He was a Moosi and his funeral has taken place in Rabwah. He had a most loving relationship with his parents and fulfilled all the dues of parental respect. He was very fond of donating blood. His widow has said that after their NIkah when they talked on the telephone (she is from USA) he would often wish to be granted martyrdom. The family tried to keep the news of his martyrdom from his injured father, but he told them he knew his son had passed away as a martyr and wanted to see his face. Who can harm people who have such sentiments? His father-in-law is critically ill in hospital; he is on a visit to Pakistan from USA for his daughter’s marriage.

(Friday sermon of 26th October 2012)