Riaz Ahmad Basra, Ghatyalian
Martyred on October 18th, 2012

Riaz Ahmad shaheed was martyred in Ghatyalian on 18 October 2012. 

Riaz Ahmad Basra was returning home after Isha when unknown persons fired at him and he was martyred.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (atba) mentioned in his Friday sermon on 26th October 2012,

“Riaz Ahmad shaheed was martyred in Ghatyalian on 18 October. His family had some disputes with other families in the village and his older brother was also martyred in the past. He was not directly involved in the disputes but due to his services to the Jama’at many people were against him. Some maulwi newly arrived in the area riled those with whom his family had disputes to kill him under the guise of religious enmity and escape the rule of law, citing they had only killed a Qadiani. He was returning home after Isha when unknown persons fired at him and he was martyred. He had a sense of honour for the Jama’at, may God elevate his station.eer Ahmad Butt sahib of Faisalabad was martyred on 8 September. His grandfather came from near Qadian and was the first Ahmadi in the family. Naseer sahib owned a fruit shop. As he sat in his shop at midday a motorcycle rider with a helmet on shot at him four times. Three bullets hit his chest and one his face and he was martyred on the spot. An employee was also present at the shop as were some customers yet the assailant managed to flee. Shaheed was 51 years old and had an extraordinary devotion to Khilafat and murrabis of the Community. He paid great attention to Hudhur’s Friday Sermons. He was a very popular person in his area and was liked by all. His funeral was attended by many business colleagues, customers and others outside the Jama’at. His special attribute was hospitality. His wife has served as a Lajna sadr. He is survived by his elderly parents, widow, two daughters and a son.”

(Friday sermon of 26th Oct 2012)