Rao Abdul Ghaffar, Karachi
Martyred on September 6, 2012

Rao Abdul Ghaffar sahib was martyred on 6th September 2012 at the age of 42 years.

Mr. Rao Abdul Ghaffar worked at a school and when he left for home at 5pm and was getting on a bus, two unknown assailants on motorcycles attacked him by firing on him and he died instantly.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (atba) mentioned in his Friday sermon on 7th September 2012,

“He had done his Wasiyyat in Jan 2012. Although it had not yet been accepted yet he was making payments as if he was a moosi. He was Zaeem Ansarullah and Secretary special tehreekaat. He was a strong daee-ilallah. He and his family had a strong relationship and attachment with the Jama’at. He possessed high moral qualities and was a prayerful and humble man. He had deep love for Khilafat and used to participate in any scheme or project initiated by Khalifatul Masih. He was married in 1995 and has two sons and two daughters. He and his sister had accepted Ahmadiyyat in 1988 after seeing the end of the Zia ul Haq as a consequence of the mubahila. His mother had entered Ahmadiyyat before him and it was through his mother that Ahmadiyyat was introduced to his family and then it kept progressing in the family. His sister says that she saw in a dream 8 years ago that he had been shot and was finished but that when she approached him she saw that he was actually alive. Most certainly he was to be the recipient of the status of a martyr and it is about martyrs that Allah has said that they are not dead but alive and you should not say that they are dead. Similarly his wife and daughter had also seen dreams which foretold of martyrdom and when his wife told him the dream he said to her that if I am martyred you should not weep and cry. Similarly his friends say that on Sunday there was a meeting in Ahmadiyya Hall in Karachi and that on his way home he was telling his friends that death will come to everyone but my wish is that Allah may bestow upon me the death of a martyr. May Allah continue to elevate more and more the status of Shaheed. One of his sons is studying in Jamia Ahmadiyya Rabwah. The second is 14 years old and doing his metric studies. Then there is a 10 year old daughter and another 7 year old daughter.”

(Friday sermon of 7th September 2012)