June 10, 2024: The Deputy Commissioner of Chakwal, Qurat-ul-Ain Malik, has issued orders to detain three Ahmadis under section 3(1) of the Punjab Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance, 1961. The detained individuals include the District President of the Ahmadiyya Community Chakwal, Malik Naveed Ahmad, the District Vice President, Malik Riaz Ahmad, and another member, Malik Tahir Ahmad.

Incident Details:

On June 10, 2024, the three Ahmadis were summoned for a meeting with the DSP, SHO, and Assistant Commissioner of Choa Saidan Shah regarding the upcoming Eid al-Adha. The complainants, who are opponents of the Ahmadiyya Community, were also present at this meeting. The Ahmadiyya delegation was pressured not to perform the Qurbani (sacrificial ritual) and was harassed to submit a surety bond ensuring that neither they nor any other Ahmadi in the district would perform Qurbani.

The Ahmadiyya delegation firmly stated that no law prohibits Ahmadis from performing Qurbani. They also cited the recent Supreme Court of Pakistan judgment in the case of Tahir Naqash etc. vs The State etc., authored by Mr. Justice Mansoor Ali Shah, which affirms that Ahmadis have the right to practice their faith within the confinement of four walls.

The state representatives ignored the Supreme Court judgment and persisted with their stance. Subsequently, the complainants were allowed to leave while the Ahmadiyya delegation members were illegally detained until the evening. Later, the three Ahmadis were officially detained under section 3(1) of the MPO, 1961, for a period of 30 days in Jhelum Jail.


This year, the harassment against Ahmadis is visibly higher than last year. In addition to being prohibited from performing Qurbani, Ahmadis are also being forced not to offer Eid prayers. We kindly request the authorities to take notice of this ongoing violation of the fundamental rights of Ahmadis under the Constitution of Pakistan. The international community, human rights organizations, and concerned individuals are urged to raise their voices against this injustice and demand the protection of the rights of Ahmadis in Pakistan.

Immediate Release

DC Orders

Three Ahmadis detained on DC Chakwal’s orders for thirty days

Details and Update:

Dulmial, District Chakwal; June 2024: On June 6, 2024, an Ahmadiyya delegation was summoned to the AC Office. Upon their arrival, in addition to the AC, SHO, and DSP, five opponents were also present there. The SHO arbitrarily informed Ahmadis that they were not allowed to perform sacrifices or purchase animals. He warned of severe consequences if this directive was violated. Concerning Eid, he instructed Ahmadis to offer Eid prayer at the old prayer center and to inform the authorities about the timing of the prayer.

The opponents raised objections about the Ahmadis’ use of Islamic symbols, performing funeral prayers in open spaces, and writing Quranic verses on tombstones. The DSP asked them to put up a formal complaint. Both parties were then told to appear before the SHO at the Choa Saidan Shah Police Station on 10 June 2024, where a formal undertaking would be obtained.

On June 10, 2024, Malik Naveed Ahmad Amir Ahmadiyya Jamaat District Chakwal, Malik Riaz Ahmad and Malik Tahir Ahmad went to the Choa Saidan Shah police station. The opponents were also present at this meeting. The police pressured the Ahmadiyya delegation not to perform sacrifices and demanded a surety bond stating that neither they nor any other Ahmadi in the district would perform sacrifices. The delegation stated that there is no legal prohibition preventing Ahmadis from performing sacrifices and pointed out that, according to the Supreme Court decision, they are allowed to practice their religion within their private properties. However, the police insisted on the written statement, as demanded. The Ahmadi representatives refused to sign any such document.

As a result, the police dismissed the opposing party and detained the three members of the Ahmadiyya delegation, holding them in Chakwal until the evening. Following a report from the DPO Chakwal, the Deputy Commissioner of District Chakwal, Ms. Qurat-ul-Ain Malik, issued orders under Section 3(1) of the Punjab Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance 1961 to detain the three Ahmadi seniors for 30 days. Subsequently, they were driven away to the Jhelum Jail.

When Ahmadis tried to meet these three detainees in jail, the Superintendent stated that a meeting would not be possible without the permission of the DC Chakwal.

This high-handed, most inappropriate action by the authorities caused protest from many quarters and human rights concerns. As a result, on 12 June 2024, the administration took the following written statement from these prisoners:

“I belong to the Ahmadiyya community. I declare that according to the Constitution of Pakistan and Supreme Court decisions 2014 PLD Supreme Court 699 and 2022 PLD Supreme Court 385, we have full freedom to perform our religious practices within our private properties and places of worship. I will act accordingly and maintain public order. On the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, we will perform our worship within the confines of our property. I will fully cooperate with the district administration and police according to the Constitution and laws of Pakistan. This statement is made to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I have no objection to legal action in case of violation.”

This was the position the Ahmadis had taken all along previously. Anyway after obtaining this affidavit on stamped paper, the administration issued orders for their release, and the three detainees were released from Jhelum Jail on 13 June 2024.