Ahmadi woman arrested in religion-based case (Sialkot)

Sohdreki, District Sialkot; February 2, 2022: The police booked Ms. Kaniz Bibi, aged 65, Ahmadi, here under PPC 295-A with FIR No. 56 in Police Station Badhiana, District Sialkot and arrested her. She allegedly took off an anti-Ahmadiyya poster.

            As per the information, Tehrik-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) posted here a poster inciting hate and violence against Ahmadis. The plaintiff accused that she allegedly tore it up which insulted the sacred scriptures.

            A magistrate accepted her bail request and released her on bail on February 10, 2022.       

In fact, putting up a hateful poster is a violation of Pakistan law PPC 153-A and 295-A that prescribes imprisonment of up to ten years. The police failed to book the prime mover (of TLP) but went for an easy victim — an Ahmadi woman.  

This case was also initiated by the police, and not by a common citizen. This is a new trend whereby the miscreants and bigots are now outsourcing such complaints to the Punjab Police.