GB 57 Ghayala, District Faisalabad; June 2021: LocalAhmadiyya representatives were summoned to the police station on June 18 and told to remove the minarets of the Ahmadiyya mosque. Ahmadis refused to carry out the task, upon which the SHO threatened to take action through Tehsildar. An FIR would also be registered, he added.

On June 24, five police vans came after dark. They cordoned the roads leading to the Ahmadiyya mosque, entered therein after breaking the locks. They switched off all the lights and snatched the mobile phone of the local president so that their condemnable actions could not be recorded. Thirty policemen in addition to Special Branch personnel and the Patwari were present when the police destroyed the minarets and sacred inscriptions. The police took away the debris with them and warned the local Ahmadiyya president to remain cautious lest a procession makes its way to the area.
Approximately 23 Ahmadi families reside in this village, comprising 33 members. The mosque was built in 1948, and the minarets were there since then. There is a wave of hate and organized operations against Ahmadiyya places of worship by the Punjab Police in league with the mulla. The Punjab government seems to have not only failed to stop such incidents but has also supported them.