Rabwah, 26, 27 October 2023: Alami Majlis Tahaffuz Khatme Nabuwwat (AMTKN) held a two-day conference here, on the theme of End of Prophethood (KN) in Muslim Colony on the outskirts of this Ahmadiyya central town in Pakistan. It has become a major annual event, although there is no reason that it should be held in a town where 95% of the population is Ahmadi.
Most of the mullas who addressed the crowd in various sessions indulged in extensive anti-Ahmadi slander, vilification, lies, false accusations, and hate-promotion — even violent extremism. They conveniently attributed false and fabricated accusations to Ahmadis, and, based on these, condemned Ahmadis, agitated the participants, passed resolutions, and made demands on the authorities to persecute Ahmadis. We quote below briefly some of their statements and provide essential information on the five sessions of this conference.

First Session
It started at 10:15 on October 26 and ended at 13:00. Approximately 4500 participated. It was presided over by Maulvi Ghulam Rasul Dinpuri, the local Khatib in the Muslim Colony. Following mullas, inter alia, addressed this session:
- Maulvi Ehsanullah of Sargodha stated that Qadianis (Ahmadis) deny Islam and are outside the pale of Islam. They are traitors to Islam and Pakistan and are hypocrites who commit robbery (dakah zani).
- Maulvi Muhammad Ahmad of Quetta observed that Muslims can sit in the company of scorpions and snakes, with anyone, but not with those who are insolent (gustakh) to the Prophet. We invite Qadianis to Islam. We swear to fight this Mischief (fitna).
- Maulvi Ziaullah from Lakki Marwat said that Qadianis had penetrated various sections of the society. We have to make them flee (bhagana hai). We made Mirza Nasir flee from the National Assembly. The present Qadiani chief also resides in London. Before 1974, there were many Qadiani generals in the army. We made them flee through an Amendment in the Constitution….
- Qari Anwar Ansar of Sialkot said that now Qadianis can do nothing that Muslims do — for instance, they cannot undertake ritual sacrifice of animals.
- Maulvi Farooq observed that Qadianis were multiplying fast during the British Raj; our seniors have put a stop to that. Qadianis are enemies of Islam (dushman).
- Maulvi Ibrahim, finance secretary of AMTKN in KP said that they will pursue Qadianis till the last breath and will guard the Khatme Nabuwwat.
- Maulvi Saifur Rahman of Faisalabad declared that the war against Qadianiat would go on forever.
Second Session
This went on from 14:00 to 16:15 and was presided over by Maulvi Aziz ur Rahman Sani of Lahore. Approximately 6500 men attended. A few speakers are mentioned below.
- Dr. Abdul Wahid of Lahore told the audience to avail of social media to spread the message of the End of Prophethood.
- Qari Jameel Ahmad of Sukkar called the Founder of Ahmadiyya, Dajjal Azam (the great anti-Christ).
- Maulvi Abdul Qayyum Haqqani indulged in international politics. He declared that Israel was an enemy of Islam; it is therefore bombing Palestine. The US should remember that the way they got humiliated and humbled in Afghanistan (zaleel aur ruswa), Israel and other state powers will meet the same fate in Palestine.
- Maulvi Zakaullah of Sahiwal observed that Khalifa Abu Bakr’s army confronted Musailma; similarly, the Mujahedeen are fighting the modern hypocrites. We shall crush (surkobi) our opponents.
- Maulvi Khalil Ahmad of Faisalabad said that in earlier times it was Musailma the liar, present day Musailma is Mirza Qadiani of Punjab – our drive is against him; we shall spare no sacrifice to safeguard the End of Prophethood. (This mulla knows that Musailma had risen in armed revolt against the Islamic state and was poised to attack Madinah, while Mirza Sahib of Qadian, nor his community have taken up arms against any government.) The comparison is absurd
- Mufti Maaz, Amir KN, District Chakwal stated that Pakistani rulers are so ignorant that Qadianis cannot remain alive under the Islamic Sharia (his version).
- Maulvi Amjad Khan asked the audience to note the finale of the US; whoever took on Islam, his end was bad. This happened to Russia as well; soon you would see the fate of India and Israel, he said.
Third Session
This session started at 20:00 same day, October 26, 2023, and lasted till 02:30. Maulvi Khawaja Khalid of Khanqah Sirajia presided over it. Attendance was approximately 14000. Following speakers addressed the crowd; they stated, inter alia:
- Maulvi Abdullah Gill spoke on Israel’s atrocities. Israel should behave otherwise every home will produce a Saifullah (sword of Allah) … Qadianiat is ill-fated (nahusat); it has no place in our Muslim society (muashirah), he said.
- Mulla M Atif of Sargodha insisted that Qadianis cannot be permitted to build worship places resembling a mosque.
- Khawaja Mudassar Mahmud of Taunsa Sharif, DG Khan affirmed that their lives were a sacrifice for the dogma of KN. We’ll pull out the hazy eyes (meli aankh) looking at End of Prophethood, he threatened.
- Maulvi Muhammad Ayub described Qadianiat as cancer, which is hurting Muslims gradually. Qadiani worship places should be removed (khatam ki jaen), he demanded. He asked the government to play an active role in support of Palestine.
- Maulvi Zubair Ashraf of Karachi observed that the different interpretations of the End of Prophethood belief by Qadianis push them into the circle of disbelief (kufr). Mirza Qadiani was more dangerous to Muslims as compared to other liars and false prophets, he said.
- Ziaullah Shah Bokhari (Amir Ahle Hadith, Pakistan) offered his neck in defense of the high status of End of Prophethood. He volunteered to be the first volenteer if Jihad was declared in Palestine.
- Maulvi Ilyas Chinioti told the audience that his father was of the view that if two fish fought each other deep in the ocean, it would be due to a Qadiani conspiracy. He led anti-Ahmadi slogans in his speech.
- Siraj ul Haq, Amir Jamaat Islami expressed the view that there were two great mischiefs (fitna) in the world – Judaism and Qadianism. Both are supported by the US and UK. It is treason (ghaddari) to both Pakistan and Islam to let Qadianiat flourish…. We should volunteer for Jihad these days; Palestine’s Muslims are calling us for help; they need your help, he told the crowd.
- Syed Abdul Khabeer Azad of Lahore expressed his view that Islam will remain (baqaa) only if Qadianiat is destroyed. Qadianis are enemies of Islam; they are helping Israel in the present war, and they’re lackeys of the British.
- Maulvi Noor Muhammad Hazarvi of Sargodha opined that Qadianis are the Mother of all Evils (Ummul Khabais) for Pakistan and Islam. We should come out in Jihad in support of Palestinian Muslims, he said.
- Maulvi Yahya Ludhianwi said that Pak authorities (idarey) have failed to control Qadianis who are (merely) a minority. The government of Pakistan should declare Jihad in support of Muslims in Palestine.
Fourth session
This session started at 10:30 on October 27 under the chairmanship of Maulvi Naseer ud Din Khakwani, the Amir of AMTKN, Pakistan. He is based in Multan. Attendance reached the peak at 15000. We mention some of the mullas who spoke in this session and quote briefly what they said, inter alia:
- Maulvi Anwar ul Haq of Quetta told the crowd that Qadianis worked to reduce the love and obedience for the Holy Prophet in Muslims’ hearts. He fabricated the lie that Mirza Qadiani declared Qadian to be holier than Madinah. The Mirza was opposed to Jihad, although the Jihad in Afghanistan defeated the world satanic powers and thus proved Qadiani beliefs to be false.
- Maulvi Hamza Luqman of Bhera asserted that Qadianis are liars and are so filthy (ghaleez) that they are hell-bound. He fabricated the belief that all Prophets (1, 24, 000, according to the general belief of Muslims) had performed pilgrimage (Hajj) of the House of God (in Makkah)… while Mirza Qadiani was deprived a visit to Makkah and Madinah.
- Maulvi Khalid Abid of Sargodha disclosed to the audience falsely, that the Pakistani PM on his recent return from the US had stated that IMF offered to Pakistan to remit all loans if Qadianis were protected. If that happens we’ll launch a movement to dispatch (khatama) Qadianis, he threatened.
- Mufti Rashid Madni said that thanks to MTKN there is not a single Qadiani worship place in Balochistan where they can worship. Similarly, Qadianis were disgraced in Afghanistan; they were kicked out of Kashmir… Mirza Qadiani’s grandson wanted to occupy the President’s chair but the moths of KN denied it to him. Qadianis are part of the Israeli army, the Israeli end is near, and so is that of Qadianis, he said.
- Mufti Shahabuddin Popalzai of Peshawar asserted that as Mirza Qadiani denied the End of Prophethood, so he was Kafir and Murtad (apostate), so are his followers, he gave the fatwa (verdict).
Fifth Session
The fourth session ended at about 1300, followed by a break for a meal and Friday prayers. It seems that some of the participants had enough dose of hate propaganda, so they decided to leave after the break and head homeward. The number of participants thus reduced to approximately 10,000. Maulvi Aziz ur Rahman of Kundian presided over this session.
We mention here only two of the speakers. Maulvi Altafur Rahman of Multan repeated the fabricated allegation that Qadianis were planted by the British. Maulvi Ejaz Mustafa of Karachi presented the draft resolutions which were approved by the participants without any discussion. Thus came to end another routine conference which was openly sectarian, divisive, hateful, and violative of law and civilizational norms. We produce below a few extracts from the various resolutions passed, in support of this observation.
Extracts from the Resolutions approved in this conference (paraphrased):
- This conference demands that all the accused in the police case FIR 661/22 should be arrested for corrupted translation of the Holy Quran and Hadith in compliance with LHC order of 3.6.2019. (Note: This demand is aimed against the senior Ahmadi leadership in a fabricated case.).
- This conference requests NGOs and LEAs to take notice of the tyranny imposed by the Qadiani Jamaat on its members in violation of human rights (Ridiculous. Editor)
- We demand that a law be promulgated to award state jobs on quota based on population of Muslim and non-Muslim citizens (Whither national unity!). Those applying for jobs as Muslims must be told to sign an affidavit of End of Prophethood (Pakistan should remain four centuries behind Europe).
- The participants demand that, as per the anti-Ahmadi Ordinance, Qadiani worship places and centers be cleansed of the Kalima Tayyaba, Quranic verses, and other Islamic terms. (This is not found in the Ordinance. Ed.)
- The conference demands that as per the recommendation of the Council of Islamic Ideology, the Shariah penalty of apostasy should be implemented. (The mullas mean the penalty of Death. This must be perhaps the most bigoted and vicious demand in the whole world in the 21st century.)
- Authorities should take notice of Qadianis’ high-handedness and their harassment of Muslims in Rabwah in the name of security. (Thousands of non-Ahmadi living in the suburbs of Rabwah benefit from trade and services in Rabwah and would condemn these mullas of AMTKN for making demands hurtful for fellow Muslims.)
- We demand that like other armed groups, Qadianis’ armed group Khuddamul Ahmadiyya be banned. (This auxiliary organization of Ahmadi youth is simply like other such organizations — of Ahmadi elders, women, and children. Ahmadis preach no violent extremism, as these mullas do.)
- This great conference is grateful to Allah and thanks all the invitees, delegates, participants, district administration, and workers of the municipal council for joining, cooperation, and advice. (No comments)
- We demand that the government should provide relief to the poor people by lowering the prices of petroleum products and activating price control communities to reduce the prices of daily use items like flour, oil, sugar, and Dals. (.)
- AMTKN conference fully condemns the tyrant Israel in extermination (Nasal Kushi) of Palestinians through barbaric bombing…. (It is rather amazing that these mullas propose and demand doing the same to Ahmadis in Pakistan — refer to the mullas’ statements quoted above. Ed.)

A few brief comments
- Whatever we have quoted above in this report, must be available in detail with authorities and intelligence agencies. These rants are a gross violation of national law PPC 153A. A simple reading of this penal section would show that almost all these clerics are accountable in law for blatantly inciting hate and promoting violent extremism.
- Do the proceedings of this conference justify banning of such conferences — not only in Rabwah but elsewhere too?
- What is the justification of the mullas of AMTKN to hold this conference in Rabwah where the non-Amadiyya population is less than five percent? It is only for provocation purposes. It suggests and promotes extremism — indeed terrorism.
- The Ahmadiyya office had weeks ago written to all the concerned authorities against the permission to hold this conference, citing their valid concerns. Now, is it not sensible to fully probe the recorded proceedings and make a worthy decision for the future, to not facilitate such hateful conferences in the fair name of Islam?
- Fifteen thousand participants, almost all transported from outside – fed and lodged for two days – dozens of leading mullas invited from long distances – and the auxiliary expenses, all would amount to tens of millions of rupees. Who provides these funds? Surely, not the participants. This money indirectly supports and provides for educating and motivating violent extremism — that could readily transform into terrorism.
- The role of the press. The daily Dunya printed the following two-column news on its front page, on October 27, 2023:
(Translation): 600 Qadianis in the Israeli army are bombing Palestine: Khatme Nabuwwat conference….
We are sure that the editorial staff of Dunya knows that this statement is entirely false. Is it not the duty of the vernacular press to assess the statements of sectarian bigots before printing them? Such statements are not information; they simply misguide the public with falsehood and disinformation. Anyone can assess the damage done to the society in general, thereby.
- On October 26, 2023, the RPO Faisalabad Region sent a Notification to the DPOs of three districts, Chiniot, Toba Tek Singh, and Jhang issuing a Threat Alert and directing them to ensure the security of Ahmadi worship places and offices, etc. He advised Ahmadis to exercise care in ensuring self-security. Accordingly, the DC and DPO Chiniot visited Rabwah to inspect security arrangements.
This was commendable.
- Ahmadis took numerous self-defense measures including mobile security and guarding their worship places. Their leadership urged them to undertake charity and offer prayers to stay safe.
The Ahmadiyya central office directed all district Amirs to instruct the common members all over Pakistan to arrange special scouting at the ritual prayer timings in worship places, and particularly at Friday prayers.
Conclusion: In the national interest, we urge the authorities to re-read the texts of National Action Plan of 2014, Supreme Court CJ Jillani’s verdict in 2014 concerning worship places of minorities, Paigham-e-Pakistan 2018 (Code of Conduct), and the Apex Committee’s recent decision. Non-implantation of these well-considered recommendations will only worsen the internal security situation, and then may adversely affect the external security environment. The time to prevent that is NOW.
[Note: The Chief Justice of Pakistan recently observed with concern: it seems the state is waiting for a new catastrophe. The daily Dunya; November 2, 2023]