Rabwah; September 7, 2022:     Mullas hold rallies and conferences on September 7 to commemorate the passage of 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan. This amendment was pushed through by the Zulfiqar Bhutto government in 1974, through which Ahmadis were declared not-Muslim. This amendment opened the gates of persecution of Ahmadis in Pakistan.

            This conference was organized by mulla Shabbir Ahmad Usmani, administrator of Madrassah Khatme Nabuwwat (KN) and Deputy Amir (president) Majlis Tahaffuz Khatme Nabuwwat (MTKN).

Following mullas spoke in the first session:

Maulvi Abdul Rehman of Lahore; Maulvi Usama Afzal of Sargodha; Maulvi Umer Muawiyya Qasimi of Jhang; Shehbaz Ahmad Gujjar of Jhang; Maulvi Muhammad Mughera of Kot Wasava; Maulvi Umar Usman of Chiniot; Maulvi Abdul Rehman Tabassum of Sheikhupura; Qari Azam Hussain Jamiat Ulamae Islam; Maulvi Syed Anees Shah of Okara; Maulvi Muhammad Asif Sial; Maulvi Javed Kasuri. The gist of their rhetoric was:

Qadianis are deniers of the end of Prophethood and are outside the circle of Islam. They are the thieves of the end of Prophethood. Implement complete social boycott of Ahmadis. Muslims should stay away from them. Qadianis are apostates, they are infidels and they are deviant of the constitution of Pakistan. The British created the Qadiani mischief to spread chaos among the Muslims so that the Muslims could not unite on a single platform. The government of Pakistan should compel all the minorities to follow the constitution, and those who do not follow the constitution should be punished. Qadianis were planted by the English, who support them till today. If Qadianis go to Europe, the European Union gives them refuge. Our literate and illiterate don’t know why the Qadianis are infidels. Qadianis are a virus bigger than the Corona virus which is spreading in the world. Mirza Qadiani was a false man and an apostate. Our government has declared this false sect to be infidels. They are trying to somehow subvert the 1974 Amendment. Qadianis are mistaken; this law cannot end until the Day of Judgment. Mirza Qadiani was a denier of Jihad. During Musharraf’s reign, Jihad was classified as terrorism. Maulvi Sami-ul-Haq was killed for raising his voice against the accursed Asia. JUI and International Khatme Nabuwwat Movement will not spare Qadianis. Today we celebrate as a Thanksgiving Day. Our elders have made many sacrifices to declare the Qadianis as infidels. Qadianis want to steal the belief of end of Prophethood. Qadianis try to rob our faith, Pakistan and Constitution of Pakistan. If there is any amendment in the constitution of Pakistan, we shall completely destroy Qadianis.

The second session started at 20:50. Mulla Shabbir Ahmad Usmani chaired it, and it lasted till 02:00. Approximately 700 men attended this session. Following mullas spoke in this session:

Maulvi Habibullah Naqashbandi; Maulvi Dr. Ahmad Ali Siraj of Makkah; Maulvi Faizullah Khan; Maulvi Gulzar Ahmad Azad of Gujranwala; Professor Khalid Latif Cheema of Checha Watni; Maulvi Tahir Ashrafi Chairman Ulama Council; Maulvi Malik Khalil Ahmad Ashrafi of Chiniot; Maulvi Habib Ahmad of Hafizabad; Maulvi Ilyas Chinioti MPA & Amir International Khatme Nabuwwat Movement Pakistan.

These mullas said the same sort of things as mentioned above. However, we quote below what was somewhat different.

Qadianiat is a great mischief which is spreading slowly in the whole world. If they are not suppressed, the world of Islam may suffer a great loss. Listen, you were infidels; you are infidels; you will remain infidels. You are the great mischief of the present age. Qadianis enjoy full religious freedom in Pakistan, while still not recognizing themselves as a minority. We pay tribute to the members of the Assembly of 1974 who participated in this great achievement. The government should declare a public holiday on September 7. The secular lobbies are attacking the integrity of Pakistan. Illegal activities of the Qadianis should be stopped and their activities should be strictly monitored. Finance Minister Miftah Ismail openly says that he consults Mian Atif Qadiani. May these be consulted who are enemies of the Constitution of Pakistan? Bhutto told Colonel Rafi that he had achieved one thing in his whole life, that he declared the Qadianis infidels; this would be grounds of his salvation.

Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi said that be it Mirza Masroor Ahmad or his father, no one’s father can ever touch the Constitution on the End of Prophethood. No blasphemy case was registered in the entire two years. Qadianis, listen, we are not ignorant of what happens. In whatever form you come, we will fight you. General Qamar Javed Bajwa rejected the offer of six million dollars by the European Union. Muslims, stay away from the social media and the dirty groups and keep your kids away as well. Mirza Masroor Ahmad and his disciples, stay within the law. If Qadianis do anything wrong, we will take all legal measures. Teaching of the Quran has become compulsory in schools. Chief Minister Parvez Elahi is trying hard, and has supported us a lot. Qadianis, you are nothing; we dealt with your elders as if dirt (jootion ki nok par rakha).

Some of the resolutions presented in the conference are as follows:

  • … However, in such situations (of flood), there is a dire need to keep a close watch on anti-state elements and Qadiani NGOs so that they cannot spread apostatic activities in the name of relief.
  • Qadiani conspiracies to make the Blasphemy Law and the End of Prophethood Law ineffective have reached the peak.
  • Activities of Qadianis are increasing continuously in Chenab Nagar, their armed terrorists with modern weapons patrol on mobile vehicles, and they harass the innocent Muslims and the common passerby and torture them. Qadianis do not have that right in the presence of police and the administration.
  • A religion box should be included in the CNIC card, or change the color of Muslims’ CNIC to display religious identity, as per the constitution.
  • Qadiani TV channel MTA is continuously spreading mischief and misguidance, and the beliefs of Muslims are being insulted and ridiculed. The government immediately ban its broadcast. (Which the government has already done. Ed).
  • According to the Shariah, punishment of the apostasy should be implemented under the recommendations of Islamic Ideology Council.
  • The motto of the army is Jihad, while Qadianis are deniers of Islamic Jihad; so they should not be commissioned in the army.
  • Qadianis should be removed from key positions in all civil and military departments across the country.
  • Qadianis have established their own judicial system in Chenab Nagar which is like a state within a state, so today by establishing the official writ in Chenab Nagar, they should be bound by the law of the land.
  • Qadianis are using Islamic rituals and religious symbols of Muslims by pretending to be Muslims. This ijtema demands from the government that Qadiani Ordinance should be effectively implemented and Qadianis should be prevented from using the title of Islam.