Police gets the minaret of Ahmadiyya mosque demolished by the opponents

Nanu Dogar, District Lahore; September 23, 2023:  The SHO Sharaqpur police station phoned the president of the Ahmadiyya community here and told him the...

Minarets of Ahmadiyya mosque demolished in Baidadpur Virkan, District Shiekhupura

Baidadpur Virkan, District Sheikhupura; September 24, 2023: In the backdrop of TLP’s protest in front of DPO Office Sheikhupura on August 28, and their...

Police demolish the minarets of Ahmadiyya worship place in Bahawalnagar

168 Murad, District Bahawalnagar; September 2023: There is an ongoing hate campaign here against the Ahmadiyya community and situation is getting worse by the...

Police destroy the minarets of another Ahmadiyya mosque in District Sheikhupura

Kalsiyan Bhattian, District Sheikhupura; September 25, 2023: On the behest of TLP activists, the police actively participated in damaging the Ahmadiyya mosques in District...

Niche and minarets of the Ahmadiyya worship place demolished by police in Lahore

Shahdhrah town, District Lahore; September 9, 2023: The police broke the niche and minarets of the Ahmadiyya worship place here. A group of clerics, accompanied...

Another Ahmadiyya worship place vandalized in Karachi

PR of IHRC; September 27, 2023: International Human Rights Committee issued the following press release on September 27, 2023: IHRC/IR/220923/5 22 Sep 2023 INCIDENT REPORT AHMADI MOSQUE IN...

Ahmadiyya Hall attacked again this year

Karachi; September 04, 2023: A violent mob broke the minarets, vandalized the Ahmadiyya worship place, and raised inciting slogans against Ahmadis in Saddar area...

Police demolish minarets of Ahmadiyya mosque, despite protest by local non-Ahmadis

Kirto, District Sheikhupura; September, 2023: Tehreek e Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) demanded the police to demolish the minarets and niche of the Ahmadiyya mosque here....

74 Ahmadiyya gravestones demolished by Punjab Police

PR of IHRC; September 23, 2023: International Human Rights Committee issued the following press release on September 23, 2023: IHRC/IR/230923/6 23 Sep 2023 INCIDENT REPORT GRAVESTONES OF SIR...

Registration of police case under anti-Ahmadiyya laws

Mandi Bahauddin, September 27, 2023:  The police registered a criminal case against 8 named Ahmadis and 30 unnamed under sections 298-B and 298-C in...