Tehrik Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), a religio-political party, was brought into being in August 2014. It was led by top mullas of the Barelvi faction. It would be an interesting subject for research as to who and for what purpose this party was formed in the name of religion with extremist far-right colors. Over the next few years, it developed fast and became quite a nuisance for the ruling elite. It mounted numerous marches etc. on Islamabad and dared to kill law enforcement personnel in confrontations.
During intervals, when this party is not busy in active conflict with the rulers, it keeps itself busy with anti-Ahmadi activism. Ahmadis are a soft target, and TLP finds the authorities to be very compliant when any anti-Ahmadi demand(s) is made to them under threat, even if fake.
Recently, in July, with the sensitive Muharram approaching, the TLP in Jhelum targeted an Ahmadiyya mosque and issued the following poster in addition to verbal threats from the podium:

Safeguarding the End of Prophethood (PBUH) March will not be delayed even for one minute at 10 a.m. on 10th Muharram ul Haram.
The procession will get underway at 09:30 precisely from the Central Office, Sarai Aamgir.
Minarets and niches of all Qadianis’ centers (of worship) should be removed in District Jhelum.
Total and most stringent restrictions should be applied to Qadianis’ activities and their practice of Islamic shaaire (rites).
From Shandar Chowk to Qadiani Centre, minarets should be pulled down (sic).
Mr Muhammad Asim Ashfaq Rizvi
Tehrik Labbaik Pakistan
Two photos of
Mr Ch. Nazakat Ali Rizvi
Amir Tehrik Labbaik Pakistan PP28
Syed Chan Pir Shah
Senior Executive Tehrik Labbaik PP-28
Follow us:
YouTube /TLP PP-28Official
Twitter /TLPPP28Official
WhatsApp +923417569900
And sure enough, the police destroyed the minarets of the Ahmadiyya mosque in Kalan Gujran, District Jhelum, on July 14.
The threats, the posters, the police action all worked like a well-lubricated machine — all acted in unison and harmony.
Whither Ahmadis’ HR and FORB?
It is said, “According to NISP-II (National Internal Security Policy), inadequate application of the writ of the state and violations of human rights are crucial drivers of extremism. The growth of exclusionary identity discourses around gender, religion, sect and ethnicity has also contributed to the rise of extremism.”
CVE policy outline: The Daily Dawn, July 22, 2023