Multan; February 2023: Since long, Ahmadis have faced great difficulties in public service on account of persisting and unrelenting propaganda hostility heaped on them by the anti-Ahmadi mullas. The higher authorities are sensitive to the mulla’s objections, so the victims suffer in postings, positions, performance of duties etc.—sometimes excessively. In fact, the government, which is the biggest employer in the country, has greatly restricted the induction of Ahmadis in services. As a result, there are greatly reduced number of Ahmadis in government service, and even fewer in higher ranks.
We produce below translation of a letter written by a Majlis Khatme Nabuwwat office-bearer, against a senior police official who is an Ahmadi and is generally well-known for his merit and professionalism.
بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم
To Respected………………
السلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ How do you do!
Waqas ul Hasan Nathoka is a well-known, fanatic and committed Qadiani. Qadianis are non-Muslims according to the Constitution. He portrays himself as a Muslim and persistently violates the Constitution. He is currently working as Senior Superintendent of Police Special Protection Unit Lahore. He has been sent to Director General Anti-Corruption Establishment Punjab for further appointment. In these circumstances, it is obvious that his promotion is under consideration.
In this situation, it is submitted that the said person is more loyal to his Qadiani faith than his job and Service. He is always eager to promote, appoint and recruit Qadianis. It is clear that he should be kept under surveillance. Being a lawbreaking and fanatic Qadiani, he should not be conferred with any sort of promotion. It is in the interest of Islamic Republic of Pakistan that he should be made to abide by the law.
It is my duty to inform you of the public opinion about him. May God bless our country with prosperity and security.
(Maulana) Aziz Ur Rahman Sani
Secretary information, Aalami (International) Majlis Tahaffuze Khatme Nabuwwat Pakistan
To Hazrat Maulana Fazlur Rahman, President PDM Islamabad
To Mian Shahbaz Sharif, Prime Minster of Pakistan
To Hazrat Maulana Mufti Adbdul Shakoor, Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Islamabad
To Mr. Baleegh Ur Rahman, Governor Punjab
To Mr. Mohsin Naqvi, Caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab
To Mr. Zahid Akhtar Zaman, Chief Secretary Punjab
To Mr. Director Anti-Corruption Establishment Punjab
To Hafiz Mudassar Nawaz, Section Officer