A malicious and fierce campaign is being perpetuated across social media platforms and other online forums. These hate videos aim to identify and target Ahmadis to cause them harm and social isolation.

On February 3, 2023, a known cleric Mufti Abdul Wahid Qureshi recorded a hate-filled video while aboard a flight on Pakistan International Airlines (PIA). It called for a boycott of businesses owned by Ahmadis. In this video, Qureshi, a known hate preacher, calls on the Minister of Aviation, Khawaja Saad Rafique to ensure that PIA has no business ties with any business owned by Ahmadis.

Qureshi says that Shezan Ketchup, a division of Shezan International Limited, is being served in flights in violation of the Constitution of Pakistan (sic). He further states that no product or service which is associated with any Ahmadi should be ever advertised (read served on board). We produce below English translation of the vernacular video:

“Today is 3rd of February 2023. … Viewers, kindly forward it as much as you can, so that it reaches the administration, and they take its notice.

“Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.

“I’m Mufti Abdul Wahid Qureshi, your brother, speaking to you while on a flight of PIA from Lahore to Karachi. At this moment, the ketchup sachet that you can see, is of the Shezan Company, owned by Qadianis, and in our Pakistan International Airlines, it is being profusely promoted. Our Aviation Minister, Khawaja Saad Rafique, is the son of an eminent personality. He should take notice of this and all those friends who are watching this should forward and convey this message to the minister — what’s going on?

“We boycott them (Qadianis) socially. They don’t recognize the Constitution of my lovely country Pakistan (sic). Apart from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), they don’t even uphold our constitution. Therefore, there is no room for them in the Constitution. Why, then are their products being advertised? This shouldn’t happen. Stop this and become eligible for the intercession of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.). Thanks.”