43 South, District Sargodha; July 21, 2021: Mr. Tayyab Ahmad was hit by a bike from the rear by an opponent, while coming back from the mosque. Mr. Ahmad went home without responding to the assault. The attacker, however, followed him to the house, where the elder brother of Mr. Ahmad told the attacker to stop harassing Ahmad. The attacker departed cursing them.

After a while, the attacker returned along with his brothers. They were carrying a pistol and iron rods and mounted an assault, Mr. Ahmad was shot thrice in the legs. The local Ahmadi president Mr. Faiz Ahmad and another Ahmadi Mr. Saif ullah who intervened to stop the fight were also attacked. The president was shot in the leg while Mr. Saifullah received a head injury. They were shifted to a hospital.

This group is active against Ahmadis in the town for long. In 2013, they raised a religious issue against two Ahmadi teachers and made the administration expel them from the school. They harassed Tayyab Ahmad at the occasion of Eid ul Fitr. In their application to the police, they painted the incident in religious color. It is a difficult situation for Ahmadis.