Lahore, May 2024: FIA Cyber Crime Wing in Lahore registered a case against the Ahmadiyya leadership in May 2020 under PPC 295-B, 298-C, 109, 34, PECA-11, and 120-B, and later, on 29 June 2021, Section PPC 295-C was added following the directions of the Session’s Court. Subsequently, Mr. Rohan Ahmad was arrested. On 30 September 2020, Malik Usman Ahmad and Hafiz Tariq Shehzad were also arrested after their pre-arrest bail was not confirmed. On 27 April 2022, the Supreme Court rejected the bail applications of these three individuals. Mr. Rohan Ahmad was released on 3 February 2024, after the Supreme Court accepted his bail application on statutory grounds. Malik Usman Ahmad and Hafiz Tariq Shehzad also filed bail applications on statutory grounds, which was accepted by the Additional Session’s Judge, Lahore on 22 May 2024. After objections from the opponents, certified copies of ownership documents, in compliance with court orders were presented in the court on 27 May 2024. The opponents argued that their stance under PPC 295-A was not heard (even though PPC 295-A was not included in the FIR of the case but was made part of the case during charge framing). The hearing on this matter goes on.

On 1 June 2024, lawyers from both sides presented their arguments, and concluded the discussion. The judge passed an order saying that the final decision will be made after the opinion of the Prosecutor General. The next hearing date is now scheduled for 3 June 2024.

During the hearings, the opponents raise hateful slogans in the court, and try to pressurize the judge.  Despite the acceptance of bail and completion of documents on 22 May 2024, the two have not been released yet.