Mr. Rohan Ahmad, Malik Usman Ahmad and Hafiz Tariq Shehzad, etc. were booked on May 26, 2020 with FIR Nr. 29/2020 at Police Station FIA Cyber Crimes Wing, Lahore under PPCs 295-B, 298-C, 120-B, 109, 34 R/W, 2016-PECA-11 allegedly for a quiz program concerning Ahmadiyya literature including the Holy Quran. The police arrested Mr. Rohan Ahmad, an Ahmadi religious teacher under this FIR on May 26, 2020.

Malik Usman Ahmad and Hafiz Tariq Shehzad were arrested on appearance in the FIA office; their plea for bail was rejected on September 30, 2020.  

In response to a plea of the opponents, Addl. Sessions Judge Lahore added the deadly blasphemy clause PPC 295-C to the charge sheet on June 29, 2021.  This exposes the accused to penalty of death.

On March 9, 2021, Additional Sessions Judge Lahore Hamid Hussain rejected their pleas for bail. They filed an appeal in the Lahore High Court against the decision, and Justice Muhammad Amjad Rafique rejected it on August 30. Thereafter they filed leave to appeal in the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Meanwhile, the trial of the case goes on in the court of Additional Sessions Judge Lahore.

The Supreme Court was scheduled to hear the bail application on March 9, 2022. A three-member bench of the apex court adjourned the case till next date due to non-availability of the complainant’s lawyer.