Multan, December 24, 2021: We have come across a letter written by a mulla, Allah Wasaya of the Head Office, Aalami Majlis Tahaffuz Khatme Nubuwwat (AMTKN) Multan, to the Prime Minister, with copy to the President, the Chief Justice, etc. It appears from the letter that one Mr. Khuda Bux, an Additional DG FIA, who happens to be an Ahmadi, and is going to retire from service for having reached his service limit, is being considered for re-employment in a different but related position. This has upset the KN mullas immensely and they have written a threatening letter to the PM. We have a few comments on this; but first the letter (translation of the Urdu original):


                          Aalami Majlis

Tahaffuz Khatme Nubuwwat

Masjid Bab-ur-Rahmat. Old Numaish

                          MA Jinnah Rd. Karachi

                          Ph.  021-32782337   Fax 021-32760340

Head office (and Branches)…..

An open letter to the Prime Minister of Pakistan

To:  Mr. Imran Khan Niazi, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Islamabad

Assalamo Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatoh. Greetings. I would like to draw your attention to an extremely important and sensitive issue, in that:

  1. Additional DG FIA Khuda Bux Nathuka is a confirmed (sikka band) Qadiani.
  2. A proof of his being a staunch (Januni) Qadiani is that he has been facilitating district and division level religious get-togethers (Ijtema) on his farmlands in District Khushab. While the district administration would not allow Qadianis, under law, to hold conferences to preach to Muslims, he continued to facilitate Qadianis by offering his farmland near the Atomic Power Plant in District Khushab. He even presided over the sessions, despite being a government servant.
  3. One of his brothers is head of the Qadiani Jamaat in Multan even now. There is plenty of evidence to support his mechanizations, his violation of law that forbids preaching Qadianism, his provocations to Muslims and thereby creating a law and order problem.
  4. Khuda Bux Nathuka, while in service, recruited Qadianis at will. Today, his nephew and son-in-law Waqas Nathuka, a Qadiani, is appointed as an S.S.P. He promoted Qadianism through improper use of official authority, so that for ages the Police and FIA Department have remained a Qadiani terrain.
  5. Now, this person is due to retire on January 6, 2022 on completion of his service limit. A court order forbids extension of service to public officials. Despite that, with the support of hidden Qadianis in the government of Pakistan, an agreement is in process to appoint him an Advisor to FIA. The (case) file is on your table, Mr. Prime Minister.
  6. In total disregard to a judicial order, this diehard Qadiani is again being imposed on Muslims for years, through the back door (chor darwaza).
  7. While all government servants of his type retire on completion of service, it is not only a disservice to the country to extend his service in deviation from law and service norms, it is exposing the Muslims of Pakistan to a torturous situation. You are requested to never, never, grant him extension of service through Agreement. The door of worst support to Qadianism (badtareen Qadianiat nawazi) should be closed, otherwise this will amount to incitement of Muslims in the country; and it is not tolerable at all.

We hope that you will give serious consideration to these submissions. May Allah enable you to do that. Please remember to attend to this issue with the same sincere sentiment for Pakistan as the one that motivated this application.


Allah Wasaya

Servant of Aalami Majlis Tahaffuz Khatme Nabuwwat


December 24, 2021

Copy to:

  1. President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  2. Chief Justice of Pakistan, Islamabad



We offer the following comments, on the contents of the above letter:

  1. It appears that Mr. Khuda Bux rendered excellent services to his department in his career, as despite being an Ahmadi, he rose to the rank of Addl. DG FIA.
  2. His competence and output must have been of the type that his superiors would like to avail of his expertise as an advisor. Hence the recommendation for his re-employment under an Agreement.
  3. Re-employment is rarely at the request of a retired official, it is always the state that, based on its needs and requirements, offers it to the individual, and the deal is done if both parties agree on an Agreement.
  4. The sectarian malice, ill will and bigotry that motivated this letter is obvious from its content.
  5. Mr. Khuda Bux’s religious identity and activities must have been of the type, well within the norms of service, to cause no hindrance to his public service or his re-employment.
  6. What is wrong even if he made his land available for Ahmadiyya get-togethers or he, occasionally participated in his community functions? The mulla failed to notice that Sunni and Shia state functionaries, routinely participate in their Majalis, Milaads, Mehfil Samaa, Darud congregations, Ijtimaas, etc. Those who make available their properties for these occasions do so freely and are greatly appreciated for their gesture. As such, the mulla’s protest against Mr. Bux is grossly discriminatory and  baseless.
  7. The mulla is banking upon some judicial order that forbids giving extension to government servants, but one can assume that the high government officials are more aware of relevant rules and the applicable judicial orders, and they must have made a recommendation that is lawful and valid.
  8. The mulla threatens that the proposed agreement would be provocative for and intolerable to Islamiane Watan. The mulla claims to represent all the Pakistani Muslims, although he knows that more than 99% of them have not ever heard of Mr. Khuda Bux. A vast majority of even Ahmadis do not know him.
  9. The mulla assures the PM of the sincerity of his motivation in writing this letter and asks him to follow this role model!

With such guidance given by the religious leadership, the lower grades go further low in exercise of bigotry. Recently the ‘Residents of Fateh Jang, District Attock’ wrote the following to the Chief Secretary at Lahore on appointment of an Ahmadi as the local ‘chief officer’, (extract): “ The residents of Fateh Jang hold Sunni beliefs and follow the Hanafi Fiqha; they also fully believe that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was the last prophet and messenger of Allah and there would be no prophet after him, therefore the appointment of this chief officer could precipitate disorder and an unpleasant situation in the entire district.” This shows the direction and the goal of Maulvi Allah Wasaya, a top leader of the Khatme Nabuwwat organization.  No wonder the society is now well-tuned in psyche that produces incidents like lynching of Sri Lankan Kumara.

Note:   The original Urdu version of this AMTKN letter is reproduced at Annex II to this report.