Chenab Nagar, June 8, 2024 – In a deeply disturbing incident, two members of the Ahmadiyya community were fatally shot in broad daylight in Saad Ullah Pur, District Mandi Bahauddin. Ghulam Sarwar, 64, was killed near his home after attending Zuhr prayers, and Rahat Ahmad Bajwa, 32, was targeted while returning from his catering center. The alleged perpetrator, Syed Ali Raza, a teenage student from a local madrassah, has confessed to the murders, motivated by the victims’ faith. These two incidences have heightened concerns over the escalating anti-Ahmadiyya sentiment in Pakistan.
Mr. Ghulam Sarwar was 62 years old. He was into farming. He has left behind a widow and 6 Children as mourners. Mr. Rahat Ahmad Bajwa was running a restaurant. He has left behind a widow and 2 young daughters as mourners. Both of the deceased were buried in Rabwah on June 9, 2024.
The Spokesperson of the Ahmadiyya Community has demanded that the Government should put an end to the hate campaign against Ahmadis in Pakistan and bring the perpetrators of the deceased to accountability.
The police arrested the killer, Syed Ali Raza, a teenager, who is a student of the local Ahl-e-Sunnat madrassa. The head of this madrassa, Maulvi Sajid Latif, has always been at the forefront of anti-Ahmadiyya activities. The police are investigating.
After the incident, the police arrived at the scene and began their investigation and arrested the killer, Syed Ali Raza, a resident of Saadullah Pur. The killer confessed to the crime, stating that his reason for the murders was religious. The police have registered two separate FIRs under PPC 302 and 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1997.