Mahmooda; District Rawalpindi; June 2024: The police summoned an Ahmadiyya delegation regarding the Eid prayer and sacrifices. Ahmadiyya delegation appeared before the SHO who told them that they should not offer Eid prayer nor undertake sacrifice of animals. He also told them to submit a written statement undertaking not to perform sacrifices. The delegation informed him of their religious stance, stating they would perform Eid prayer and could not provide a statement against sacrifices. This led to an argument with the police administration. Subsequently, the delegation left.

Following this, the SHO pressured the local Ahmadiyya president and inspected the mosque, telling him to demolish the minarets. However, the local Ahmadis refused. The police told them that there are reports from intelligence agencies suggesting public security concerns due to these minarets and warned that more damage could occur if TLP members or others came to demolish them, potentially harming Ahmadi households. The police’s conduct throughout this interaction was aggressive. Under these threats and immense pressure from the authorities, ultimately, the local Ahmadis had to remove the minarets of their mosque.