Ahmadi fired from job due to his faith

Gulshanabad District Dera Ghazi Khan; March 2021:  Mr. Rizwan Ahmad has done M.Sc. Entomology from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad and has been working as Territory Manager in pesticide industry for the last four years. Some of his colleagues knew that he was Ahmadi but the management did not know. When the management came to know that Mr. Ahmad was an Ahmadi, they called him, told him to change his belief or else quit his job, and urged him to make a quick decision. The management often sent for Mr. Ahmad and asked him to renounce Ahmadiyyat. Opposition to Ahmadiyyat has been growing in Rajanpur and Dera Ghazi Khan for some time now, so Mr. Ahmad faced the situation with patience and refrained from responding to provocation. Two months later, the management noticed that he was not talking about the issue at all, nor did he change his beliefs, so they fired him and spread the word about him in the industry.

Mr. Ahmad had more job offers in the industry, but after the news of his dismissal spread, everyone refused to hire him. Dealers boycotted him. The car given to him by the company, which was to be permanently given to him after six months according to the company rules, had also to be returned to the company. He was to receive more than a million rupees incentive at market clearance, which has become difficult to obtain after the incident.

Mr. Ahmad is currently looking for a job and is struggling with the difficult situation.