Lahore: Lahore High Court acquitted the condemned Christian couple on June 3, 2021. Among the various comments on social media from the civil society, one was from an Islamist body; whose text provides internal evidence that one Professor Muhammad Hussain Azad of Team Fikre Bilal Shaheed of links with Khatme Nabuwwat (End of Prophethood) advocates circulated it. We produce its translation below, and withhold our comment:

“Blasphemy accused acquitted.

Government of Pakistan yields to the pressure of European Parliament.

 Honour of Prophethood (PBUH) bargained.

Lahore High Court today, on June 3, 2021 honorably acquitted school teacher Shagufta Kausar and her husband Shafqat Emanuel of Gojra imprisoned since 2014 in the case of committing blasphemy against the Holy Prophet. This news reached the Team Fikre Bilal Shaheed at 4 p.m. through the lawyers of the Khatme Nabuwwat (faction); however, they had issued no Notification. Now, BBC, a worldwide news corporation, has broadcast it.

It may be recalled that EU Parliament passed a Resolution on April 29, 2021, which demanded the repeal of sections 295A/B/C concerning defiling the Prophethood (P.B.U.H.) Religion, as also Section 298 — A on insulting the Companions. In addition, release of the imprisoned Shagufta Kausar and Shafquat Emanuel was demanded by name.

Within a month, the Government of Pakistan gave in to the European Parliament, and this case, under prosecution for 7 years, was disposed off in a few days. These two were defended by Advocate Saif-ul-Muluk who was also the attorney for the insolent Aasia Bibi who was released and allowed to escape during the early days of the PTI regime. Although Khatme Nabuwwat advocates have a right to appeal in the Supreme Court against this verdict, but by the time the appeal is heard, these insolents shall be let flee.

And this will not stop here. EU Parliament is not of one country; it legislates for 27 European countries. Thus, the pressure is not from one country but 27. Pakistan government was anyway up for sale; so, there is an obvious risk of repeal of a few Islamic provisions in Pakistan law, particularly the PPC 295-C.

  1. As such, Muslims should not allow this issue to die down for any (other) breaking news. Team Fikre Bilal Shaheed is going to initiate a Twitter trend against the LHC verdict, and Inshallah there will be numerous trends on this issue. All social media teams/activists/Tweeters should participate in this trend. Those who use social media but are not on Twitter should open a Twitter account. At present, there is nothing else as effective as Twitter to register your protest and to convey your message to the relevant people.
  2. Religious, political, social parties and their leaders should not merely issue statements through videos/writings/newspapers and tweets, but should come forth in the open. First, they should get these insolents’ names entered in E.C.L. Thereafter rather than spending billions in holding conferences and rallies and thus propagating themselves, they should spend money copiously in the Supreme Court case and engage renowned lawyers.
  3. The respected ulama and people should tell common people of the importance of the law on the honour of the Prophethood (P.B.U.H.) and remind them to motivate themselves like those 10,000 martyrs (sic) who shed their blood in one day on Mall Road, Lahore in 1953, and persuade them to reject by force the likely decisions of the authorities.
  4. Political parties, through Assemblies, and journalists through media/newspapers should force the government to stay clear of the ‘Red Zone 295-C’ and legislate chopping the head in public of all the imprisoned (blasphemy) insolents.
  5. The most important factor. This Resolution of the EU Parliament is very important in that they will have it implemented by all means. Numerous fake news will be floated to distract Muslims away from this issue. Before you ‘share’ anything, think that thereby you do not become instrumental in setting aside the issue of honour of Prophethood.

Professor Muhammad Hussain Azad 2021/07/03 (sic)

Team Fikre Bilal Shaheed