Rabwah; December 6, 2022:  The police registered a criminal case against some members of the top Ahmadiyya leadership in Pakistan under the blasphemy clause PPC 295-B, the anti-Ahmadiyya law PPC 298-C and the Punjab Holy Quran (Printing and Recording) Act 2011, on December 6, 2022. The blasphemy clause 295-B prescribes imprisonment for life.

            The FIR 661/22 was registered in P.S. Chenab Nagar on complaint of a mulla MH Muawiyah, on authority of a letter issued by Punjab Quran Board Lahore dated December 5, 2022. His complaint on this issue against some concerned authorities is currently being heard by Justice Shujaat Ali Khan of Lahore High Court, wherein Ahmadis are not part of the proceedings.

            The FIR is registered against some of the Ahmadiyya top leadership in Pakistan.

Hassan Muawiyah had put up a complaint on this issue in 2019 and the police and other authorities had undertaken inquiry and inspection and sought our reply in writing. After all this, it appeared that they were satisfied and the issue had come to an end. However, Muawiyah and his Forum are persisting in their efforts to deny religious freedom to Ahmadis and intend leaving no stone unturned to that end.

            It is relevant to mention that since long Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan have stopped printing and marketing the Holy Quran in compliance with law, even though it is the primary scripture of Ahmadis. However, if the mulla and his accomplices think that they will make Ahmadis in Pakistan delink themselves from the Holy Quran, they are in for utter disappointment and total failure.

            The registration of this FIR manifests the malicious and successful nature of extremist anti-Ahmadi activism in the country helped by certain state officials.

Note: A press report on the related court hearing is reproduced in a subsequent story in this Report.