Ghari Awan, Hafizabad; June 2021: Ahmadis have a small mosque here. It is owned by a former Ahmadi Mr. Khurshid Hayyat, and was built by his Ahmadi elders. All local Ahmadis offer prayers in it; no one has ever objected or complained about it. As the paintwork of this mosque got faded, Ahmadis decided to repaint the interior. When the paint was finished, someone lodged a complaint with police against it. At this, Mr. Hayyat and Ahmadis told the police that the mosque was built by their elders and has been with them for seventy years. The police revisited the next day and took Mr. Hayyat with them. They detained him in the police station for about five hours and took an oath on affidavit from him. In this, they wrote that this place will be used only for worship, no minarets will be built on it and if there was any minaret already, it will be removed within twenty-four hours. After this, Mr. Hayyat himself took down the minaret in the darkness of night. Ahmadis came to know about in the morning. They felt gravely hurt.