Departments in the government have introduced objectionable affidavits of faith for their employees and recruits etc; NADRA is one of these. A sample pair, one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims, is at the Annex. All CNIC applicants are now required to make this statement on application forms. This step is fraught with damaging and long lasting consequences.
These affidavits are the outcome of a verdict given by Justice Siddiqui of Islamabad High Court on March 9, 2018 on the issue of Khatme Nabuwwat (finality of prophethood), although NADRA has gone beyond what the judge (later disgraced on other counts) specifically required.
The fact that there is one affidavit for Muslims and another one for all non-Muslims shows that the human resources in departments/organizations are being divided in two groups based on their commitment to Islam. These divide one Pakistani identity into two distinct and divisive categories: Muslim and non-Muslim.
The language of the affidavits is bizarre – particularly for ‘non-Muslims’. A negative statement is unnecessarily imposed on the deponent. He is told to state ‘that I am a non-Muslim.’ Why should he say what he is not? A positive statement should suffice e.g. “I am Ahmadi.”
The mulla insists that Ahmadis must accept the ‘non-Muslim’ identity and status imposed on them, and distance themselves from Islam; this is not acceptable to Ahmadis, as it violates their fundamental belief. The mulla’s wish has been granted and Ahmadis have been denied the right to self-identify.
These affidavits not only serve as tools to open the door of discrimination against Ahmadis and other minorities, but also would thereby facilitate all sorts of social, political, professional and financial hardships and deprivations against them. This judge, in order to worsen Ahmadis, has imposed a procedure on the administration that will make millions sign unnecessary and iniquitous affidavits. The entire exercise is in fact Ahmadi-specific, and the single-judge bench did not hide his motivation in his proceedings and verdict.
These affidavits will surely trigger still more criminal charges and litigations against Ahmadis, ranging from apostasy allegations to civil suits concerning marriage, inheritance, etc. and deprivations from jobs, hardships in careers, difficulties in businesses and education etc. As per the mulla’s understanding of Sharia the penalties could range from stoning to death, lashings in public, loss of eligibility to inherit from even parents, etc. This is not mere speculation; this is demanded incessantly by the mulla in his rallies and open conferences.
These divisive affidavits are being imposed through departmental rules; they are not a requirement of the Constitution or law.
It is not only the higher social and political values that are at risk, these affidavits will directly and effectively affect lives of millions in offices, in the field – everywhere. These will affect their social relations, dining together, lodging, career development, job environment – everything. Religion and belief will unnecessarily and harmfully become the top factors in formulating human resources policy and its implementation.
Annexes: 1) NADRA affidavits and 2) a filled-in application form
Annex I
For Muslims:
I Name, Designation …………………………… CNIC No. …………………………. And ERP# …………………….. do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath;
That I am a Muslim and believe in the unity and oneness of Almighty Allah, in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophethood of Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) the last of the Prophets and do not believe in, or recognize as Prophet or religious reformer, any person who claimed or claims to be a Prophet, in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever after Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him)
Date: ………………..
For non-Muslims:
I Name, Designation …………………………… CNIC No. …………………………. And ERP# …………………….. do hereby affirm and declare on oath;
That I am a non-Muslim and belong to …………………… (Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhist, Parsi, Qadiani Group, Lahori Group, Ahmadi, Bahai or belong to scheduled castes)
Date: ……………..
Annex II