The state and the society, in the Punjab in particular, went out of the way this year again to target Ahmadiyya places of worship. 53 incidents of demolition, desecration and worship denied were reported and a total of 44 Ahmadiyya mosques were affected. Alarmingly, 9 mosques were attacked multiple times. This is most hurtful to the religious sentiments of the community. The authorities seemed to be waiting for a mulla to put up a mere frivolous complaint, and the police would head for the Ahmadiyya place of worship to meet the mulla’s demand to destroy the minarets and the niches. In addition, the authorities refuse permission to Ahmadis to build mosques. Even essential repairs are made problematic. In any other country it would be unbelievable, but in Pakistan, any anti-Ahmadiyya activity by the state is no longer unbelievable. A read of what happened to the Ahmadiyya mosque at Nan Dogar, Lahore will show you the gross nature of police intervention. In addition to this it’s imperative to highlight the insightful comments provided on the lead story. Though the story has been placed to the last in chronological order, the comments remain pertinent and deserving of attention.
Ahmadis have been denied their basic human right of Freedom of Religion and Belief since the promulgation of Anti-Ahmadiyya Ordinance XX in 1984. Since then 73 Ahmadiyya mosques have been demolished, 46 sealed by authorities, 50 set on fire or damaged, 18 forcibly occupied and construction of 62 Ahmadiyya mosques was barred by the authorities.

Geneva, New York, London etc.; July 2021:
In the last few weeks, anti-Ahmadi developments in Pakistan compelled the International Community to take notice of the violations of basic human rights and freedom of religion there.
United Nation Human Rights Council took note of the proceedings of the Side Event at the occasion of its 47th annual session. It issued a statement of the three UN Rapporteurs at the occasion.

A Special Report – lll-advised Misrule of the Pakistan Punjab in Ahmadiyya Context by Ahmadiyya Muslim Foreign Missions Office
This report is prompted by Punjab authorities’ recent desecration of Ahmadiyya places of worship and defiling of Ahmadis’ graves thus causing intense hurt to not only local Ahmadis but to all Ahmadis in Pakistan and indeed the world over.
We write this not only to inform the government of our views as a targeted community but also to inform those decent people who are concerned with human rights and freedom of faith anywhere.
We have produced this paper primarily not to incriminate anyone, but as a service to inform those in power and those concerned with human rights of the situation on the ground, as this information is the base for these people, on which they can build and raise good governance, or help to do so. We are well-wishers of the Punjab, and of those who contribute to an improved life and society where fundamental rights and freedoms flourish. Punjab is the largest and strongest province of Pakistan, a better Punjab means a better & thriving Pakistan and we
dearly aim to achieve that.

Issues faced by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on the Festival of Eid-ul-Adha 2021
The painful discrimination against Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan continues to rise. In keeping with Pakistan’s history of state-backed violations of Ahmadi Muslims’ religious and civic rights, fanatics have yet again threatened violence against any Ahmadi Muslim who partakes in the act of animal sacrifice on Eid ul Adha. Last year, the Lahore Bar Association demanded the federal interior ministry restrain Ahmadis from adopting this Islamic rite. The Police also registered a case against three Ahmadi men in Toba Tek Singh. In places, they were only allowed to sacrifice inside their houses and even advised not to practice this ritual at all. The community was instructed to be more cautious.