Ahmadis have a reputation in the country for being hardworking, honest and educated. As such, in the nascent years of Pakistan, they did well in business, services and employment. Clerics, who led the anti-Ahmadiyya agitation, targeted them in this sector as well. They got willing co-operation from religious bigots and officials. As such, with passing years Ahmadi intake reduced to a trickle in government jobs. Those who were already in service hit a glass ceiling in their careers. Many of them were encouraged by seniors to resign.
In the business sector, mullas agitated and urged the bazaar and the public to boycott Ahmadiyya businesses. They issued a fatwa that all dealings with Ahmadis were haram (forbidden by Shariah). At times they arranged attacks on Ahmadi-owned businesses. A persistent campaign goes on against some leading products produced by Ahmadi manufacturers, such as Shezan.
All this precipitated a great deal of hardship for Ahmadis in general and Ahmadi businessmen in particular. The drive, however, goes on unabated, as will be assessed from some of the incidents described below.
Professor Dr Atif Mian, Ahmadi, a worldwide renowned economist was appointed a member of the Economic Advisory Council by the PTI government of Pakistan in September 2018 but was soon asked to resign under the pressure of Islamist clerics. It is an interesting but pathetic story that foretells the malevolence of the course of the Pakistani state in the years ahead.
A chipboard factory, functioning in Jhelum for long, owned by an Ahmadi, was set on fire on November 21, 2015. The chipboard was being manufactured in the factory when some miscreant reportedly informed the local mullas that copies of the Holy Quran had been delivered to the furnace. Thereafter, without any further enquiry, announcements were made on loudspeakers in mosques that Holy Quran had been desecrated in Ahmadis’ chipboard factory. A violent mob was formed through these provocative announcements, which surrounded the factory, pelted stones, caused damage and then set the factory on fire with inflammable material. Law enforcement personnel arrived at the scene and rescued the people trapped in the factory. The fire destroyed 70% of the factory while 8 vehicles parked inside were also severely damaged.
In July 2018, Justice Shaukat Siddiqui of Islamabad High Court wrote a 172-page anti-Ahmadiyya Judgment Sheet as if it was written by a mulla. He told the parliament to “also take measures which will completely terminate those who scar this belief (in the end of prophethood).” He ordered that an affidavit regarding one’s true faith should be obtained from every candidate applying for a job in Civil Service, Army or Judiciary. He told the parliament to ensure the protection of Prophethood’s finality. During the hearings, he remarked that “if they (Ahmadis) wish to stay in Pakistan, they should do so as Non-Muslim citizens, and not commit thievery against Islam.” Human Rights observers called the verdict “very dangerous”, “would enable and incite violence”, etc. HRCP called on the government to appeal the verdict. It didn’t; instead, NADRA proceeded to implement the indecent judgment by introducing religious forms for Muslims and Non-Muslims (see Annex I).
An Ahmadi youth who qualified for recruitment in the Pak Army was rejected for his faith. Mr Azhar Asghar, a resident of Rabwah cleared all tests in Lahore on October 09, 2013, for joining the army. He was told to report again to the Recruiting Office on April 1, 2014, for his posting to a training unit. On reporting, he was given a form to fill. The form contained a ‘religion’ column. Azhar entered therein that he was an Ahmadi. At this, he was singled out while others were told to proceed for training. He was told that his arm needed further medical assessment. The doctor in the military hospital cleared him again, and he reported the fact to the recruiting office on April 9, 2014. He was told to come the next day for posting to Karachi for training. The next day he presented himself at the office at 8 a.m. He was told to report again at 3 p.m. On arrival, a clerk told him to re-write his denomination as Muslim Sunni for acceptance, otherwise, he was not acceptable. Azhar told the clerk that he will not misquote his belief. The clerk returned his documents to him, and Azhar went back home rejected.
Mr Maqbool Ahmad of Shahkot had been working in the local textile mill for a long time. He was given a house in the mill’s residential colony. He has a son and three daughters. Soon religious enmity simmered against him. The opponents became openly active against him and made a plan. In February 2018 some people visited his house, beat him up and told him, “Vacate the quarter and shift elsewhere, otherwise, we will kill you.” His son was also beaten up and given the same warning. Earlier Mr Ahmad’s son was hit by them on the head and injured. This boy was in 8th grade and was to appear in an exam soon. The mill owner fired Mr Ahmad from his job. He was the only Ahmadi there.
Mr Nasim Ahmad was working as Secretary in the Industries Association Small Industrial Estate, Mardan for the past 15 months. He was good at his job but was harassed out of his job for being an Ahmadi in November 2018.
Mr Muhammad Imran Mukhtyar an Ahmadi is a resident of Layya and had been working in Layyah Sugar Mills as a senior storekeeper for the last five years. In September 2018 his head of department called him to his office and told him that his faith had become a problem in the Mills. The boss elaborated his remarks, “We cannot impose anything regarding faith on you; however your faith in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani as a prophet hurts our feelings. We believe the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to be the last prophet, and for this, we can give our lives and also we can take the lives of others, as Mumtaz Qadri did with (Governor) Salman Taseer. Your community financially supports its members, so you should arrange another job for yourself to forestall any unhappy incident.” Mr Mukhtyar replied, “We also believe the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to be the last prophet. The livelihood is in the hands of Allah. You can take action against my inefficiency if any, but to fire me for my faith is not correct. For this, you are accountable to Allah the Almighty.” Subsequent to this interview Mr Mukhtyar was told by the Admin Manager that he would not return to the main store but would join the Admin Office. In view of the veiled threat of his previous boss, Mr Mukhtyar had to take additional security precautions for his personal safety.
The daily Islam published in its issue of July 8, 2018, a list of businesses etc owned allegedly by Ahmadis. This list was compiled by one, Dost Muhammad Baluch of Dera Ismail Khan (KP). The list comprised 39 brands etc; it included industrial products, services, jewellers, pharmacy products, homoeopathy medicines, educational institutions, private hospitals, TV channels etc. The list was published under the title Takht-o-Taj Khatme Nabuwwat Zindah Baad (Long-live the throne and crown of the end of prophethood). The list was preceded by the following appeal:
“Those who buy or sell Qadiani products are appealed that the status of the Holy Prophet (peace be on him) is higher than our parents, our children, even ourselves. It is our duty to fully boycott these Qadiani products and urge other Muslims to do the same.”
Another pamphlet widely circulated urging the general public to boycott Ahmadiyya products and manufacturers is reproduced at Annex II.
Rai Muhammad Afzal, Ahmadi has faced persecution since 2013. He is a school teacher by profession. In the month of Ramzan in 2013 mullas implemented his social boycott and announced from loudspeakers in mosques that all social ties with him were haram (illicit); even exchange of greetings with him was not permissible. Thereafter threats to his life were conveyed. He had to shift elsewhere but returned after some time. One night some attackers entered his house, threatened him and his family for life and told him to quit the Ahmadiyya community or expect a follow-up visit. They departed having looted some cash and gold ornaments.
Mr Fazl ur Rehman is president of the Ahmadiyya chapter in Jinnah Town, Quetta. He is a wholesale dealer of cosmetics. He uses the first floor of his house as a depot of this stock. He faces opposition and hostility in business for being an Ahmadi. On June 16, 2018, his store was set on fire by some unknown miscreants.
Ms Ufaq Feroz is serving as headmistress in Government Girls High School Jan Muhammad Wala, Tehsil Kot Momin, Distt. Sargodha. She faced faith-based hostility in this village. Mulla Mukhtar Qadri of Rattapur Rehan, a neighbouring village was very active against her. He persistently incited the locals against her. He put up hostile banners and posters against the Ahmadiyya community in the village in March 2018. This affected the staff as well. Ms Feroz became very upset over this and was under great stress for months.
Mr Asad Ahmad Sufiyan of Rabwah joined the prison department in August 2017. He was appointed in the district prison at Jhelum. Some employees of the prison came to know of his faith; this aroused their hostility. He is facing problems at his job and has suffered great stress unduly thereafter.
The proprietor of Liaquat Hospital, Sargodha was warned by mullas in 2018 to fire Dr Mahmud Ahmad, Ahmadi, or face consequences. Dr Ahmad is a gastroenterologist. He had been working in this hospital for a long and enjoyed a very good reputation. Later mullas obtained a fatwa (edict) from the local Darul Ifta that Qadianis should be completely boycotted and not employed. In view of all this Dr Ahmad informed the hospital administration that he would not be attending office for the time being.
Malik Waseem Ahmad, Ahmadi is a resident of Shah Faisal Town, Model Colony. He owns a business of currency exchange and a whole-sale dealership of rice. Mullas told the shop owner to get his shop vacated. The shop owner didn’t oblige them. Then, the mosque committee sent for the owner to come to the mosque. There they told him to get his shop vacated. In November 2017 he gave one month’s notice to Malik Ahmad to hand the shop back.
Mr Tahir Ahmad Rehan an Ahmadi is serving in the police department for twenty-four years. He is known to be honest and hardworking. For this, he faces hostility in and outside the department, and mullahs have undertaken to harass him for his faith in recent months.
Ahmadis continue to face difficulties and problems at their workplaces. This has gone on for decades and there is little that the state does about this. In fact, the state is complicit in it, as the problem is severest in the government sector. Some sample cases have been mentioned above; for more of these please visit this page.
November 15, 2019
Annexe I
Affidavits regarding faith, introduced by NADRA
For Muslims:
I Name, Designation …………………………… CNIC No. …………………………. And ERP# …………………….. do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath;
That I am a Muslim and believe in the unity and oneness of Almighty Allah, in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophethood of Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) the last of the Prophets and do not believe in, or recognize as Prophet or religious reformer, any person who claimed or claims to be a Prophet, in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever after Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him)
Date: ………………..
For non-Muslims:
I Name, Designation …………………………… CNIC No. …………………………. And ERP# …………………….. do hereby affirm and declare on oath;
That I am a non-Muslim and belong to …………………… (Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhist, Parsi, Qadiani Group, Lahori Group, Ahmadi, Bahai or belong to scheduled castes)
Annex II
Hateful pamphlet promoting boycott of Ahmadiyya products

(Translation )
Can we not do even this for the love of the Prophet?
In addition to committing blasphemy, Mirzais (Ahmadis) believe Mirza Ghulam Qadiani to be the last prophet instead of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Shezancomapany owned by Mirzais is at the forefront in strengthening financially the evil of Qadianiat. That is why every Muslim who deals with Shezan and other companies of Qadianis is:
- Playing his part in rebellion against Islam and the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
- Responsible for breaking Muslims’ link with the dear Holy Master (PBUH).
- Compromising his devotion to the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
- Is filling his own and his family’s tummies with hell fire.
O Muslim, consider!
- What will be your end like if you die soon after drinking Shezan?
- How will you seek intercession of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) on Doomsday?
- How will you ask for the Holy Drink from the Saqi (PBUH) at the Holy Fountain?
O Muslim! your dealing with Qadianis may cut off your relationship with the Holy Master (PBUH) of the Green Tomb.
A few famous Qadiani companies:
Shezan drinks
Zaiqa cooking oil
Universal Stabilizers
Pearl Oil
Shahtaj Sugar Mills
Beta Pipes
ShezanCompany products
From: Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Hassan, Shubban Khatm e Nabuwat
www.shubban.com 0321- 4571912, 0320-0123953