Ahmadiyya place of worship and gravestones desecrated and damaged by the police in Dherokay,...

Dherokay, District Toba Tek Singh; January 26, 2021:  A few miscreants put up anti-Ahmadi banners here and agitated the public over Ahmadis’ tombstones issue. They...

A high court judge disposes summarily a highly malicious anti-Ahmadiyya police case (Lahore)

Lahore, Nankana; 2020-2021: Anti-Ahmadi activists got a police case registered against three Ahmadis under anti-Ahmadi clauses PPC 298-B and 298-C in P.S. Mangtanwala District...

Mr Mehboob Khan

One more Ahmadi target-killed in KPK in the recent series of such murders Peshawar; November 8, 2020: Yet another Ahmadi was murdered for his faith,...

Another minaret of an Ahmadiyya place of worship demolished in Hafizabad

Ghari Awan, Hafizabad; June 2021:  Ahmadis have a small mosque here. It is owned by a former Ahmadi Mr. Khurshid Hayyat, and was built...