False complaint filed against Ahmadi on job (Hafizabad)

Sukheki, District Hafizabad; January 2022: Mr. Rahat Jameel, an Ahmadi, is working as a clerk in the Canal Department. Zulfiqar Ali, a worker in his department, petitioned DC Hafizabad against him saying that Mr. Jamil had preached Ahmadiyyat to him and threatened serious consequences and dismissal in case of not converting to Ahmadiyyat.

The Deputy Commissioner forwarded the report to Assistant Commissioner Hafizabad who inquired from the concerned persons. In this regard, the SDO Hafizabad sub-division reported that the petition is false and baseless; Mr. Jameel has never preached his faith. Similarly, other officials of his department also stated that they have never talked about Ahmadiyyat in the office. Therefore, the Assistant Commissioner filed the petition and warned the plaintiff that he could be arrested for making a false accusation. The Assistant Commissioner conducted a fair inquiry. The matter is resolved for now.